
Comments of chapter undefined of ABIGAIL'S DILEMMA: BEWARE OF A FIBBING SAINTESS

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Dear Tres Aguila, I like your style, you finish your novels quick and the chapter charges is enough for you. Unlike those greedy one who charge per chapter and want more. I’m waiting for the sequel of Abby and Adrian. Hope Alex find a woman for his own. He’s a good man. More power to you…God bless.

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can't wait for the sequel

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Loved this book of yours as well… thank you for being consistent and amazing at what you do… all the best.. I am surely waiting for the sequel.. can’t wait to see how Adrian and Abigail lead their life and Ofcourse the triplets is keeping me on the edge.. I just pray that in the sequel the family learns about the betrayal early and give everything back to Adrian and Abigail, for the kind of employee she was I am sure the couple can bring back the laurels to the family…

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Have loved this journey with these characters and storyline and can’t wait for the sequel!!!! ❤️