
Comments of chapter undefined of The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches

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Investing in cryptocurrency sounds like a risky move. If he fails he is gonna have to suffer in the hands of the son of shark.


If he had failed he wouldn't have enough capital to invest again and I don't think he has enough stamina to get the money necessary to pay the debt in only a few hours.

QuantumVoid:it is risky, thats why he never threw himself into it even when he had more than sufficient funds

Tap tap boy we'll see how rich you can be


Chris is not investing, he is doing daytrade and that even seems a bit nuts because every professional daytrader studied a lot, besides having a lot, really too much, of screen time. There is no way that someone can memorize all candlesticks patterns in 1 day and understand this market that is so complex. If Chris was real he would most probably lose his money, actually this 7k is barely enough to operate and earn more than 500. But as I am reading this for the fantasy I pretty much like it, just felt that it should be warned, or maybe Im being boring 😅.