
Comments of chapter undefined of Garden Of Poison

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Thank you Ash and lovely ending to this book

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Thank you for a wonderful ending! The book was marvelous as per usual! You always go above and beyond. It’s bitter sweet when you finish a book you love. I’m going to miss all my favorite characters. Hope you have a blast on my side of the pond! Can’t wait for the next adventure to begin!

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😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I am crying right now..... I am going to miss you Ash, I'm going to miss Dante and Anna, Ray and Emily, The mischievous Aiden and the all serious Celeste, Niyasa, Mother Queen Ginger and the rest. though I'm happy that it ended on good note, no why's no sad ending all happy ending... thank you Ash for giving us your readers a wonderful story and for keeping us updated and also for the CLIFFHANGERS 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it was an absolute pleasure and a memorable journey all through. This is actually my first time paying for a book to the very last and I did not regret spending my money on GOP... Thank You Ash, YOU DID A GREAT JOB 👏👏👏👏👏. I will be waiting for the next book.. and do have a safe trip and bring gifts for us when coming back😂😂😂. see you in March am going to rest from WN for now..

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Thank you for such a wonderful end to these two amazing books! It’s has been such a journey and you have kept us right there on the edge every single day! I’m so happy to see where everyone has turned out and that are all right where they need to be. Glad to see that so many new babies have joined the family! Granny and grandpa are going to make a cute power couple 😉🤭 I don’t know what else to say other than thank you for another amazing masterpiece and I can’t wait to follow along for the next 2 books 💕

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Cant expect more happy ending than This. Thank you Ash for Another Wonderful Journey 🫂 With Each Book you make me fall in love with your Books, Characters, Plot, everything. Will Miss Your Updates Unio Next one. But I am excited for Feb end 👍👍 Good Luck on Your Next Books. Thank you again Dear We Love you

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Thank you so much ash for this wonderful chapter and as always a great book. We’re most definitely looking forward to your new works 🥰🥰🥰. Much love from Nigeria.

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I am crying because our wonderful story is over, I am happy that we finally got to see the epilogue, but can we get part two and see Maxwell and Marianne get a happy ending. Pleaseeeeeee 😭🥲🙏🙏 By the way….. thank you Author for your consistency and hard work. You let us step in into your wonderful story which gave us a chance to meet such amazing characters and be part of their world…. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Awww happy ending with everyone. I wish Maxwell and marianne will bump into each other and look each other eyes 😮‍💨 But anyways good ending. Viktor getting grandmother ginger 😏 to stay his side

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Oh I was hoping a storyline for Aiden Blackthorn🥺 However this ending couldn't have been more perfect 🤧🤍Thanks for keeping us hooked with your writing Ash. Gonna miss GOP so much but then remembered it's the same for your previous books too.I hate it when your books end. Good luck for your next books❤️❤️

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please can you give us the names of the incoming books dearest Ash? so as to add to my library in anticipation for March ☺️

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Loved this book like all of your other books. You’re coming to my neck of the woods, California. Have a safe trip!

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Awe, such a perfect ending. I think that I will miss Raylen, Mother Queen and Aiden the most.

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Thank you for the amazing book . Hopefully Maxwell and Mary find each other. I'll always be a sucker for them being together . Aiden and Maxwell can fill the spot of archdemons . lol family affair. Thanks again for a great book . Can't wait for the next .

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Bravo! Loved this book so much. ❤️

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Look forward to your new books!

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Thank you for the wonderful journey. You always put a smile on my face when I see an update from one of your books; they are amazing stories, I wish I had such imagination to share! Safe travels and have fun. I'm looking forward to March to read your wonderfully exciting stories again 💛

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Congrats on another finished story ash!!

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Thank you for doing what you do! You write the most amazing stories, always ensuring quality that lets us have unforgettable reading experience! Everyday when I wake up to read your updates, it always makes me happier 🥰 I will miss this story so much, I feel so emotionally attached and sad that it has comes to an end. But I am also excited for your new books! I am sure it will be great! 😊 We will patiently wait for you till March, until then Happy Holidays!!! 🎉