
Comments of chapter undefined of Garden Of Poison

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule




Lmbo! He just had to get rid of that flower from Gabriel, lol! This is getting interesting! Thanks for the action packed chapters! They were filled with all kinds of scrumptious goodness!


Three diamond long chapters! 💎💎💎 That was worth the wait and smoothly reading! 🙌🏻 And cngratulations for completing Win-Win, Ash! I pray you get lots of rest and take care of yourself first. Knightsquad, please don't forget to vote with your powerstones 🔥 and golden tickets! 🎫 We highlt appreciate your love and support to Ash, Anna, and Dante! 💜


Nice to see that even after a humiliating loss from the duel, Dante’s still capable of being petty


Oh come on Queeon of cliff hangers... you've done it again...😂


Dear Ash, if the content is gonna be this intense, please hear our humble request for 2 chappie tonight/today


Wow, these chapters were amazing. I can’t wait to see the rest of this “friend aiding” play out between Anastasia and Dante. Dante, you need to admit that no one knows you as much as Anastasia does. She has seen you at your weakest points. I love how jelly he is of any other man. 😝❤️ I don’t like Max at all. I have a bad feeling of what’s to come. What if they kill Dante’s mom and then he finds out that Anastasia was claimed by Dante? He will probably want to claim her then himself even more. This will make Dante explore. He is jealous of his brother. 😡 Thank you Ash so much!! Have a wonderful weekend!



yes don't ignore the other things Anna. embrace the feels and kiss him. he pulled you closer, so just close the distance !!! you got this!!!


Oh MY GOD!!! The jealous Prince Dante still didn't forget to get rid of the rose donning her hair. Are you gonna pull her into the water to make more fragrant and relaxable? Poor little Anna, she's too naive and innocent to notice the intentions behind others in the same way as them. Prince Dante made it clear that his intentions for her are not pure, at the same time he doesn't want her to ignore or forget his advances. He's falling deeper for her. I wonder when she's gonna realise it though. King Maxwell is gonna be a pain in the back. I'm so eager to find how they are gonna solve the hurdles in front of them. WAITING!!!!!


Wauwieeee!!! These 3 chappies were awsome to read 🧡🧡🧡 I'm worried what Max will do if he wants Anna to become Mary's 'substitute'... knowing what happened in the past with Stella. On the otherhand by doing this Max will unleash / awaken Dante's demon which MQG doesn't want to happen. Yet. Cuz the best is for the demon to awaken when Dante's found his soulmate. I want to see MQG's face when she discovers that Dante's soulmate has always been in front of their noses 😂. And what do I love MQ's Sherlock Holmes activities! I hope soon she'll discovers what Q Maya did! And Max, what are you a evil man! Stupid also. But first of all evil! Denying your brother's request. Even after 'loosing' the duel. How can you do that? Are you heartless? And than we have Gabriel... I just hope whatever Ash is planning to do with this intel conserning Anna, it would not put Anna in danger! I hope tho, we'll get a nice running little rabbit being chased by a gorgeous smexy demon. And when rabbity is caught we all get a nice treat 🤗 beginning with home whispery exchange of words, some bites than kisses... Some body inspection with more kisses and bites. A slap here and there 😅💃🏻☺️. Then as topping 🤭 a good hot hanky panky doodle wanky scene 🥳🥳🥳


Such a great 3 chapters. And of course, the more we get, the more we want. The cliffhanger is just sadistic. I can't wait to see what happens next. I can't wait for Maya to get a big "I told you so" when Dante's demon wakes up.


Anna just aide him… 😂😂😂 you just wanting to take that off from her hair…very slick of you Dante. Now would you do something to Anna 😉😏 Also hopefully Maxwell pays for his bad deeds


I will need to see this man humble himself before Anna. She deserves it. preferably before he realizes she is his soulmate. Why? because she deserves it regardless of whether she is his soulmate or not.


Honestly the way i am jelly for this man they call Dante 😭You'd think i am Anastasia 😭Yall... When he said the bath needed some fragrance, i saw him pull me... I, i mean Anastasia into the bath😭😭🛀


It was so nice to read several chapters!!!!!


Ok next chapter please… Excited to know what’s next …💚💚💚


i wanted one more chapter , i know i should not🙈 i know i am shameless


everyone knows Dante is stronger than Maxwell. they're just saying all that becuz He's King. honestly that fight was only for show. if enemies attack the palace and tries to kill him we will see his crux working or not. when it happens i hope they kill his mother at least😒


Maxwell. Needs. To. Be. Gone. Thanks for the three chapters. Cannot wait for what’s next…