
Comments of chapter undefined of Garden Of Poison


Can’t wait for the next chapter! It’s getting so good!


Note: Ana’s descendants has to be super powerful for them to trap and curse a whole demon king and his kingdom. And girl doesn’t even know how powerful she truly is 😂

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I love the trio siblings❤


Thats alot of information! Thanks to Mother Queen. Kind of upset to learn that Anna wont be feeling the soulmate pull. But I have faith in Dante , make her fall for u!


💎🥀💎 DIAMOND CHAPTER! 💎🥀💎Holy cow this chapter! So many informations of revelation to suck in!!!🙈🙌🏻 I get this vibe that is almost Beauty and The Beast reference between Dante and Anna. The lore of this story (thanks to Mother G) such an incredible explanation to reveal the Blackthorn secrets. So many questions and theories but can't wait for more answers! May text chapter gives us another twists and turns! 🥀


Holy cow this chapter was AMAZING!!! So many questions answered.


Thank you Mother Queen for all the information!! Dante has his work cut out for him but I think he will enjoy it.


1-This chapter is everything!!! thanks Ash for this wonder 😘 2- since yesterday I have this crazy hope for a cameo of very well known underground gramps and sidekick, UKWIM😏, and one of the demon being a luring one is not helping 🤣🤣 3- I still have so many questions, and tomorrow is like in forever gaaaaah!!!!!!


such a good chapter!! I’m really interested to find out how much Dante knows about the curse. I have a feeling our smart boy will be able to piece it together. ahhh I’m so excited to see how the story unfolds!!!


Thank you so very much for a diamonds chapter, I love how the plots have been so well laid and so much more of extraordinary directions about the story to say it out in one go.


Am I the only one that is freaking out in excitement?! I am so ready for Dante to earn Anna’s love and for them to stand strong together 🥰


Thank you for this chapter! It really helped clear some things up and point us in the right direction. I love that he has to earn her love. When he finally does, it'll make it that much better. 💕


Wow! Just wow! What an interesting story. Thank you for this wonderful work Ash.


Thank you so much for revealing so many things in this chapter. Most of my questions were answered through the narration of the mother Queen.So many things make sense now.How are you gonna woo our little Anna dear Dante? I'm warning you it's not gonna be easy. You have a long way to go. At the same time you have to protect her with all your might. Because it's Blackthorn palace.Oh, also this chapter explains why Anna sleep walked to the Blackthorn rose and got pricked, as well as why she was unharmed unlike the lady Erin.


ok now, just as the title said, most of the mysteries have been revealed.Dante is a demon of destruction, explaining his red eyes.Anna is the descendant of the person who cursed the demon. They have to fall in love to each other truthfully to break the curse.


thank goodness he's earned Anna's heart and love already so I believe things will be better for them. and I think Aiden is the demon of mischief hehehe


This sizzles!!!!


So the one who cursed the king was somehow related to Anna? Umm I can’t wait for the next chapter


Wow! So goood!


Thank you so very very much for a treasured chapter, Lots of our questions, doubts, and curiosities have been fulfilled. I don’t know how you did it so well putting together flawlessly smoothly on every single letters on the story; from solid foundations to story structures and developments. I would very much like to know who is behind Marianne’s death? I suspected that it had more than it appears to be. Marianne loved her sister dearly: Will she wanted to take Ana with her? Thinking back when prince Dante grabbed out a burning little piece of charcoal after burning Marianne’s body in the furnace after her death. He seemed to find something worth paying attention to the matter. I am hoping that the ghost Marianne won’t be obstacles and giving Ana and Dante hard times Another key incident, Ana was the one who waiting for Marianne to running away together: They even met up after Marianne at the time was probably a spirit or soul without physical body but managed to show herself to a waiting little sister;which indicated the bonds between sisters. The Flores sisters are probably the ones with special abilities all along The incident is concerning their reunions, Anastasia has never stopped thinking of running away. The only thing that holds her up was that she wanted to find her sister killer(s) I understand the mother queen words on the matters of halve missing soul of Dante , and in order to complete his crux activation, it’s made sense that he needs to earn her love as seemingly Ana’s bloodline is the one who has the Blackthorns cursed for generations. The table has turned, and we have the powerful Anastasia Flores: There are so much more to find out. Also that the so called soulmate of the current king is definitely not simple as she seems. She got pricked but still alive. She and her family might turn out to be the worst villains much worse than little annoying Niyasa and baga Maya. Hopefully it won’t be that bad, but you and I are aware of our creative Ashley. It’s extremely difficult to keep her in line.


i loved this chapter. a ton of questions answered and we know about the curse now.