
Comments of chapter undefined of Halo: Be Human

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well this was unexpected but hey if you wanna reimaginge it go for it. I'll be here waiting so I can what I do and wait for the moment to say that's what she said" hahhahahaha


I mean I liked what you had going. Didn't need to be perfect or flawless. It's a fanfic, I didn't expect that. But you do what you will

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welp first comment. but ya that sound good I thought it was great and I hope you keep it in it be really cool and all also add the grunt that survived every mission he met master chief it be ransom and kind funny like he can be the recap guy or something. also thx for the book


While I understand The appeal two rewrite this and change some major stuff, you will essentially be creating a new fic, I would suggesttrying to save this one on another story title or creating a new one so that this story can be saved.Additionally, while I understand the appeal to get rid of the system aspect as it feels somewhat haphazardly added on, the reincarnation aspect does have a certain advantage to it when writing a fan fiction. it allows the author to manipulate the stories direction by using the MCs previous knowledge to target specific events that they want to change; in addition to this, it allows the author to influence the personality of the MC. At the very least I would suggest the 'Dream Fragments' approach that some authors use, where they have the character gain glimpses of a life not there own, a family they never had, and/or a future that may not happen. However with the implementation of this it takes A decent bit of planning as the dreams need to be mostly introduced early in the story/childhood to be believable.

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I will be waiting, since no matter what you choose to do I know it will come out at one of the best fanfics I have read.

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I think you are right in the rewrite without the system and the Mc will be part of the Spartan-II; since you can create more operations and if you want a time skip you have the necessary time before the end of the war.

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It's up to you man

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I’m just happy that there will still be a halo fic


Make MC more evil. Or if not evil make him not nice, like Renegade Shepherd in Mass Effect. If you do not I Guarantee your soul will be sent to Slaanesh upon your death.


While I do like the idea I’d rather stick to how it is

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I mean it's your fiction. But in my opinion I like what you got so far besides the old granny AI in the suit with our boy. You're setting it up for some good content later down the road for Halo 1,2,3 story. But I'll read whatever you throw up, so far so good man keep it up

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Yeah like I said earlier, I like this fic a lot but if you feel like you wanna rewrite, go for it. I'd still be excited to read what you've proposed. Though I do like this MC and his modern day views and stuff that he still carries through the series.

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After being a avid reader for so long I can confidently say that the best stories are those who stay true to their passion and not let others dictate the value of your work. Only you know what’s best for your work and how your creation is meant to be. I can tell you are passionate for this story and it’ lore. With that said I fully support your decision and will be waiting for the update. Thnx for the good read so far.

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i say go for it

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Quick question will you be deleting this fics chapters and starting all again from the beginning or are you planning to start up a new fic and leave these chapters? 🤔

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Thanks for the chapters and the fan fic, is amazing. If you "the autor" think that, just do it. I come for you, you are the creator of this history with your mc, do every you like

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Thanks for the heads up. I am actually really interested in seeing the rewrite. This was good as it was but from what you said you plan to include it looks like it might be even better.


sinceramente preferiría que siguieras,pero es tu historia y tú decides que hacer,pero lamentablemente si le quitas lo de reencarnado yo me iré,si va a tener "genes especiales" pero en mi opinión no sería muy...especial...no es como si mi opinión influyera en algo jajaja