
Comments of chapter undefined of Konoha: Dark StoryTeller

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First i now uderstood a little of this haahha 2- Go an see my new comment on the previous chapter please 3 - Story idea for the mc to create "Devil may cry" : A story of an uchiha who had a lover but the senju family arrised that blind for power the main character knew that his sharingan will never be powerfull enough to go and kill all who hyave taken his love away so he research ways to gain power and he encounter information when he torture a member of the uzumaki about a certain ritual to invoke a demon He made the ritual and invoke it, he asked for power but power comes with a price , the demon said that if he wanted power he must abandon his bloodline to create a new one he must gauge his eyes , his sharingan to obtain demon powers , the protagonist gauge his eyes and said that he will give all of him if he can enable his revenge the demon laugh and said that only when someone rejects his blood as an uchiha , his sharingan and all of the clan and pass the trial of the demon can have his powers The protagonist in the end kill all the perpetrators and when he finish he cried and he suicide himself in an explosion in the senju clan killing the majorities his body became ashes and he said : "A world without you is not a world worth of living " Then he felt something wet in his eyes and said "heh , who would have thought , even the devil may cry"


The author says he is impressed with the reader's creativity hahaha, thanks for the comment, it's a pleasure to receive feedback from readers

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Mc dragon armor evolution

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Mc dragon armor and black dragon

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4 - Lord of draggon´s : This story is based that in the ancient era there where dragons as summoning creatures but one of them was different , he was black , evil , power hungry and competitive but the three holy pleaces could not tolerate other summoning than then so they destroyed with efforts but who would have thought that a baby dragon , that dragon black as the night without a moon nor stars as evil and powerfull would survive He then create an armor and weapons out of the body of his family and he went to search for a summoner but over a millenium he did not find someone to pass all of his armors , weapons and to have a companion as summoner But one day he hoped to be summoned and to have a companion so he search and investigate clans in the shadow of the night and settle for uchiha but as he could guess non of the uchiha could support the burden and they were to proud of their eyes so he hide deep withing the nara shrine in the uchiha clan awaiting for someone evil , despicable , hungry for power and conquest to pass this test of his The armor has a series of evolutions as draggons evolve over time and become powerfull The weapons were a white saber with a tiger that can talk over the head and a dagger with flaute The saber was actually an experiment of the black dragon with chakra to fuse a tiger and a weapon over a dragon corpse The dragon was special as he could be summoned as energy or the normal way to be with the host this was one of the reasons that got the dragon clan exterminated

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The powers of the demons vary between the demons 3- The sword of destruction : A story pretty similar to excaliburn only that the sword is corrupt and whoever wilds it must : reject his blood , train hard to dominate the sword , be evil , and be a psycopath