
Comments of chapter undefined of Bloodline || Jujutsu kaisen


Don't people's domain depend on their characters?

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Something like Unohanas bankai?

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I will give you a great recommendation and that is to look for a recent manga called (tougen anki) I seriously recommend it to help you with this fanfic and that is very simple all the characters control their blood in different unique and incredible ways and many techniques that you could use for the mc

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how bout raizel from noblesse he uses his own blood as a medium for his blood field and wings


cursed techniques are innate in nature correct? meaning they are essentially decided by birth MOST of the time. blood just so happens to also be innate. we have it before we are even born put the womb similar to cursed techniques. 🆗🆗, holdup let me keep cooking...it's never stated that cursed techniques are innate and derived from the soul, just the moment we're born. so hypothetically noritoshi(in this fanfic) could steal or get someone's blood and then apply cursed energy to steal ones technique. the name could be...Blood Manipulation: Daikokuten... daikookuten being the Japanese God of theft. symbolizing noritoshi's theft of another one's cursed tehnique.there are 2 ways you could also handle this technique. 1. being its only a 1 time thing because it consumes their blood leaving no more2. using cursed energy noritoshi could replicate and multiply the blood inside his body or a cursed object to allow himself infinite usage of the cursed technique as long as he has cursed energy it would certainly take time to even use the technique effectively since most sorcerers don't even end up mastering there own technique in a whole lifetime. it would certainly be a struggle to master MULTIPLE techniques this cursed technique would definitely be balanced as noritoshi would have to get ones blood. and then after that apply his own cursed energy to it and then use the cursed technique. using the cursed technique in an effective way would take timeA couple of other idea's would be using cursed energy to use reverse cursed technique to multiply his own blood thus creating an effect similar to curse wombs. he could also learn to solidify his own blood, creating blood swords, bows, armor, limbs, ect and reinforcing them to make solid weapons could be named Blood manipulation: Futsunushi-no-Kamiin refrence to the Japanese God of War. Lastly, you could make noritoshi's blood And transform it into other substances. such as fire for example. the most genius way of using this would be to transform noritoshi's own blood into cursed energy and then use that cursed energy to infinitely multiply noritoshi's blood essentially allowing noritoshi to have infinite blood. this could be namedBlood manipulation: Sukunahikona.. the goe of healing otherwise describing noritoshi's infinite cycle of healing.

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Deadman wonderland

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For his domain it could be tourn the world around him ito a sea of blood and he can control and make different constructs while it also increases his already existing abilities


When will the MC control blood like in the avatar world?

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drinking others blood he can use their techniques temporarily


Also Called Blood Art/Bending/Control Hemokinesis/Haemokinesis Hematokinesis Sanguinarian Control/Manipulation Sanguine Control/Manipulation Capabilities Users can create, shape, and manipulate blood, an essential body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. The majority of users are only able to exert control over the blood of themselves, using them for various purposes, such as for rituals, examining, or most commonly combat. They can shape their blood into tendrils to strike enemies from afar or use it to trap opponents in a prison of blood. Users can concentrate blood into a single point, and shoot it out akin to bullets, or sharpen their blood to the point that they can slice and tear flesh with ease or solidify blood to use as rock-hard ammunition. Some users would be able to indirectly control the movement of objects by leaving traces of blood on them and manipulating that blood in order to move said object. When manipulating blood, users are at risk of anemia and dying of blood loss for users that use their own blood. Being in a wet environment can also prove troublesome, as exposure to water will cause the membrane of red blood cells to tear, making 45% of blood uncontrollable. Another use of blood manipulation is controlling the blood within the body of oneself, increasing physical abilities by speeding up the transport of nutrients and oxygen via blood to all parts of their body, thus improving their energy and power. They can also use this to speed up healing by immediately clotting their blood, preventing blood loss and speeding up the recovery process, gaining a form of manual healing factor. Sometimes, users would be able to control the composition of their blood down to the number of red blood cells present in their blood stream. Blood manipulators can also gain a form of cold immunity by increasing body temperature through blood-flow. More advanced users would be able to manipulate blood from anywhere in their surroundings, such as the bodies of other living creatures, allowing them to control them like puppets, induce nosebleeds or headaches, or cause blood-related diseases or conditions such as Sickle Cell Anemia Thrombosis. At an even higher level, users could instantly kill others by making blood explode from the inside out or forcibly causing their heart to stop or knocking them unconscious by restricting blood-flow to the brain. Applications Bleeding Inducement Blood Attacks Blood Clotting Blood Consumption Blood Field Projection Blood Generation Blood Marionette of yourselves and/or others. Blood Memory Blood Solidification Blood Stopping Blood Thinning Blood Removal Death Inducement by stopping the flow of blood in a person’s body. Embolism Inducement Haemokinetic Constructs Hematology Mastery Internal Rupturing by increasing blood flow to make blood veins or even the heart to burst Manipulate the properties of blood. Blood Property Manipulation Healing Blood Density Manipulation Dermal Armor by increasing the density of the blood. Paralysis Inducement by stopping target's blood in their veins. Strength, Speed, Stamina, and Regeneration by increasing the flow of blood. Prehensile Blood Serum Manipulation Unconsciousness Inducement by reversing the flow of blood to cause unconsciousness. Techniques Blood Absorption: To be able to absorb blood from others. Blood Aura: To surround oneself in blood. Blood Cloning: To create clones of themselves by using blood. Blood Empowerment: To be empowered and vitalized by blood. Blood Link: To be linked to others by blood. Blood Mimicry: To mimic the properties of blood. Blood Oxygen Manipulation: To manipulate the oxygen in one's blood and others. Blood Portal Creation: To create portals out of one's own blood. Blood Pressure Manipulation: To manipulate the pressure and flow of blood inside bodies. Blood Propulsion: To pr


Blut from bleach


can he control others blood?


tambien puedes inspirarte en kekkai sensen muchas de sus tecnicas son con sangre