
Comments of chapter undefined of The Legendary Janitor

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I wonder now. When Di Tou was stranded on the beast continent and was breaking through, it was established that he was losing his emotions and was growing more detached from the worldly matters due to his cultivation. I assumed this was the reason powerhouses were rarely involving themselves with the world: they were really detached from it and couldn't emote like normal mortals. So they had hard time connecting to people or caring at all. But this new information makes it seem that their feelings tend to run super hot and might actually affect their cultivation if they dare to care about stuff. And this is the reason they avoid building connections. What am I getting wrong here?


I think it's introduced more in the next chapter or two, but basically for most cultivators (or beasts, or mountains, or anything that cultivates) the stronger you are the more 'detached' you are from the rest of the world. In a word, you become more 'godly.' But at the same time, Heaven doesn't favor people who have grown too strong. Like a king plotting against ministers who have gotten too much power, Heaven constantly embroils people with tests and tribulations, and those of higher cultivation naturally face tougher tribulations. But with lessened emotions and a clearer view, it's much easier for them to avoid tribulations as long as they're paying attention. This is where karma comes in. If a cultivator is like a computer, and a stronger cultivator has a stronger firewall, tribulations are like viruses. A weak cultivator might fall for one unknowingly, while a strong one will be clear on the details and might even be able to avoid and circumvent the majority of viruses ahead of time. Karma is like plugging in a USB, no matter how good your fire wall is, it's been ignored altogether, and the trouble will come. For normal cultivators, Heaven doesn't need to go this far and the ordinary viruses will do the job. The heightened emotions are a tricky virus. Either you fall for the emotions and suffer the subsequent attacks, or you ignore them, thus creating a mental block and preventing or slowing further cultivation. Either way, Heaven achieves its objectives. - Pen