
Comments of chapter undefined of Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master


tf? how is he not dead? Damien, newly awakened just punched his face with profound power. Either make him (mind controller) awakened or change some things about the artifact, add increased defense, like a mana silhouette or barrier for the wearer. Anyway, a great chapter but don't drag the story out, as much as I'd like reading the book, it is frustrating to see an experienced hunter miss her target and not finding the artifact. (I mean how can she not have a detector?) sorry for the tangent, but just my unfiltered thoughts.


true, but i do hope you would explain how August survived that. Nice of you to take time and reply to our comments and explain some parts, not many writers do it.

Eternal_Ruler_:The arc will end tomorrow. The artifact is just for influencing people. There are other artifacts with different abilities, if all of them hhavedefense mechanism, it's gonna be a huge problem.

sad, you're a good writer n u write well. but alas, this is no longer my cup of tea, as to me the mc has deviated too far from it previously established line, huhu anyway, gud luck to u fellow daoist


bruh needless build up and al these things, its kinda predictable.


O MC é burro? Manda uma mulher que nunca matou alguém matar seu próprio marido. E sem plano nenhum, nem backup e vai dormir. Sério nem passou na cabeça do MC o que poderia dar errado. E quando ele vai salvar a moça ele chega desarmado? Sem nada nem um pedaço de pau. Ele derrubou caras armados do lado de fora que estavam armados. mas apanha para um cara mais fraco que foi mobilizado por ele mesmo. Nem um mata leão. E o mais importante o MC tem MAGIA poderia sei lá congelar a mão do BOSS, o pé ou atirar MAGIA nele. Na hora que o cara foi imobilizado poderia congelar os olhos fácil. Quando a moça que ia matar o marido deu errado já achei que o MC ia salvar o dia. Não ele está dormindo sério?


Thanks for the chapter