
Comments of chapter undefined of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability


Guessing Lizard just a part of representing the dragon MC form from visionary pathway Also think Adam tried to stop Aurore from getting help not to kill her but to actually allow her to live, maybe if she went outta her way to get help she wouldn’t even have chance to be Soul frag


I think Adam and Inevitability are just opposing forces. Because they both have this discrete control over the future and act in the same manner, one crossing the other was well... inevitable, a definite plot point. Not only because the True Creator and the Sinner cross each other, but Adam should've been very surprised when he wrote something to happen and it still ended up in a way he didn't want to happen, as if it was inevitable. What Adam ultimately wants to do could be what you've just said, especially with the overlap of the LotM and the CoI boons possess. Amon just got a chance to infiltrate the group after the drawing after all... Be on the lookout for Anthony, he might not be safe. Nevertheless, with two to four fate meddling authorities (Adam, Klein, Circle of Inevitability and Goddess of Fate) all looking to mess with each other, they are all playing with fire because so many drivers swerving to get to their goal at the same time can only lead to accidents, or Calamity. That the Demoness already got her hands in this kerfuffle of godly proportions makes a lot of sense.

Albirr_Chowdhury:Main theory that I think is happening Based on how Leonard described the lizard, he pretty much said it’s goal is something related to taking from Inevitably Think he’s purposely letting his True Creator self be corrupted/carry sin so he can end up taking and grazing COI and giving it to Amon Main reason he’s showing this to Lumian is somehow because CoC is needed for this so he’s implying to Lumian to get to ATS level quick

I didn't expect True Creator and Adam by extension to be related to the elves like that. I'm not surprised about Baynfel since he's "penitent." Overall, it feels like an abrupt ending since Perle and Loki both got away, but it seems the work behind the scenes has accelerated. Thanks for the chapter!


What an unexpected way to finish this volume! The lizard like elves is connected to Adam from the start, what’s going on? I have more questions!!!


adam is cooking something with his 0-01, there were indeed too many coincidences. beware of spectators!


Update from cuttle, Vol 5: Demoness begins this Wednesday 12:30 China time


Hello, this is my first time experiencing a volume end since I've caught up. Can somebody please tell me what will happen now? Will there be a break before vol5 starts? If so, how long?


The ending of this volume was a blast like the ones before it with a lot of new questions and revelations,which makes me look forward to the next volume even more. [ Just a thought klein had two extra sequence 1 characteristics for the FOOL , DOOR and ERROR pathways wondering 🤔 what happened to them ]. Anyway pumped for the next volume. Anticipating the reaction of lumian and the background schemes of the school of truth and mirror people.


Perhaps the biggest reveal of all




lots of stuff going behind the scenes 🤭


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair


Umm guys can you explain the ending to me


One thing I was expecting to happen with the overseer fight was Lumian using his Fate Appropriator powers to undertake the punishments from Anthony, Franca, and Jenna. Such a development would have been in keeping with the name Sinner. Instead, we saw Adam doing something very similar to that with Mr K. We know from the Padre that the Inevitability pathway is connected to the Monster and LOTM pathways. Maybe it also forms the glue between those paths and the God Almighty paths.


after careful thinking I think other then sun everyone in TC is seq 3