
Comments of chapter undefined of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability


Might be a mini time skip soon, Louis Lunds encounter is about a month away and atm, only thing upcoming is prayer towards Adam and his therapy session. Unless mob assigns him some sorta mission, but rn I think everyone is being lowkey due to murder of Ait.


you're forgetting that obsessive madame


Mr. K is a shepherd, reminds of Mr. A. Having three entities might be a problem especially since the third one is Adam. It’s better to follow Mr. K, later hunt Louis Lund. Lumian also needs some beyonders under him, so they can be helpful to Lumian in future. Fors mission must be definitely about the seq 1 conquerer beyonder characteristic. Looks like Aurora order has it or they have clue related to it, if they have beyonder characteristic why not give it to Medici trio, look like they clue to it.


Between the missions, vendettas, and psychiatric treatments, Lumian will have plenty of time to bump into more coincidences. I'm sure a place like Trier is filled with hunters, witches, and worshipers of evil gods~ Thanks for the chapter!


Im wondering what sequence’s everyone from the tarot club is at this point since its been about 6 years since klein fell asleep from what we learned earlier on in cordu fors is most likely a angel since she separated lumians beyonder characteristic i would assume everyone is at least seq 3 with maybe the exception of justice and hermit and maybe the star since he and klein were pretty close and klein had a silver knight characteristic that he could have consumed and he could potentially even be a blessed of the evernight goddess they are most likely seq 2 at this stage i could be mistaken I really hope we get to see one of the monthly meetings and get to hear about everyone that would be nice




This novel is moving pretty quickly tbh. 160+ chapters in and he already is meeting Angels, attracting the gazes of Gods and involving himself in secret organizations. Also, I hope he can get some underlings that are useful and trustful. The Red Priest Path depends of leading and war. Lumian ATM is pretty isolated.


Holy heck, this letter just made me realize it hasn’t even been 2 weeks since his meeting with Susie 🫠 that’s so fast!


I don't like the fact that Lumian is fully siding with Miss Magician's group. If he is so desperate, then he would've opted to join both groups. Clearly Mr. K's group is also almost comparable to theirs. Miss Magician already said it, "I can't revive your sister". By going for both groups, he'd have a wider scope to look for methods to revive his sister.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


I really cutrious is Fors’s massenger may be someone in Chained pathway like Klein’s messenger? I reread book 1 in Gherman arc and found that from Cattleya’s perception she saw miss massenger as doll so what if this massenger actually a some beyonder who lose their bdy but have no choice but stay as a doll? (i mean coincidence is sth that mr.cuttlefish always hid sth beneath it). And I’m not sure but the way Mr.K talked about his lord it seem similar to omniscient god (ancient sun god that ppl from silver city believe) so i guess maybe it’s adam who tell them about this name or maybr mr.k is someone from silver city who wield the same power Elder Lovia did