
Comments of chapter undefined of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability


So it is similar to Cycle of Fate of Ouroboros and any external influence will result in death of all of the villagers? So like Derrick Lumien has to find the correct node and break it? Does the loop always end with Lent? so many questions. cuttlefish surely has started the volume with a bang.


So it looks like the time loop is indeed restrained to the village itself and possible the immediate surroundings. Time continues to move on while everyone else is trapped in this little bubble... Thanks for the chapter!


Time still goes on in the world outside the time loop, just like we’ve seen in Book 1. Now I wonder if you can enter and exit the area trapped in the time loop or whether it requires a special method.


Author salon is in June, So telegram is sent before June And they have asked her to leave soon so to get some time to tour Trier, so 1 week for travel at max and 2 weeks for touring 🤔 maybe 1 month, So after calculation real date should be late April or early may, so the loop has run around 10 times ig


me in the entire chap : Fors where?


as I suspected, time went on, and only in Cordu Village did it experience strange things like time loops, but it seems that the save point of the time loop has also changed, this refers to the letter sent to Ryan and friends, whether it's Lumian who experienced the previous time loop but with a different save point because time goes on


I'd like to remind everyone that cuttlefish wanted to k*ll either Alger or Does in the first one. Alger, so that he could pay the hanged man foreshadowing but the author accidentally made Alger give cohinem the promise of traveling to western continent so author couldn't k*ll him And Fors? Man couldn't write Fors actually going into a situation with danger because she is a coward💀 Why is this important? I'm just saying that a tarot member might die in this one


Praise the Fool!


Okay, thoughts so far about overall situation: 1. It's not the first time loop, it's the first one that Lumian remembers, the reason why I think so, is bcs in previous loop Lumian noticed that he for some reason feel very impatient about obtaining powers as soon as possible. 2. Either Lumian or Aurore sent the letter of help and it happened during other time loop, and that's the reason why either of them don't remember ever sending the letter. The reason why livre bleue weren't affected by time loop is bcs the words that were used from it is already outside of range influence of the loop, that's why book wasn't able to restore itself. 3. The range of loop is only village, this chapter confirmed it. It also indirectly make us guess that this loop was mostly likely created by the power of Monster pathway. 4. Village is not completely isolated, letters could be sent (this means that Aurore's letter to her pen pals was also sent), ppl can enter it, like those foreigners but they will be affected by loop as well and that's why won't be able to leave. But there is still opportunities to do so, like Fors can still leave the village as it seems, and I think it's more related not to her being a demigod, but her having Klein's blessings. We need to see whether Lumian and Aurore would be able to leave village now since he remembers or not. There is a possibility that the first time foreigners entered the village is in the first chapter. 4. This chapter only strengthened my belief that Lumian's dream doesn't have any connection to City of Calamity or any other sefirot for that matter or else it wouldn't have been affected by loop. I have two guesses what this "dream" could be, first that this place is located in a spirit world and represents Cordu imprint in the spirit world, the second one is that it is a collective subconscious of villagers. 5. Mostly likely the trigger that helped Lumian to retain his memories is a Tarot Card. 6. The reason why Lumian still has beyonder powers more likely have to do with him going to that "dream" through his astral projection, like Klein was summoning Leonard to Tarot Club meetings, Leonard (and all other tarot club members) still had his powers, the only reason they weren't able to use them is bcs Sefirah Castle was blocking it. This also will explain how he still has powers in the new time loop. This is mostly likely again Klein's doing. 7. Lumian seems to be corrupted by the same power as Padre, maybe even deeper than him, Klein's seal prevent this thing to consume Lumian. 8. I, for now, believe that that the one who is corrupting the villagers and the one who created loop are not the same existence. Bcs it wouldn't make sense otherwise. The one who corrupted village due to Padre's actions wants massacre of villagers for unknown reason, the loop prevents it from happening. Therefore I believe that whoever set up a loop is not a foe. It could be sealed high rank artifact from Mosnter pathway, or maybe even Will himself.


I think it's kinda a corruption from the cosmos. and I don't know why people think it's in a grand-er scale. I think not even god can affect a the whole world. at least a nation can do. and an outer god corruption is limited. at least to the level 5 or a demigod. I meant first can break the trouble forcefully, but can't solved it without any casualties


It feel like that arc when klein go to some city and one sealed item 0.xx affecting the whole city with rules and judge you, klein and one angel from evernight curch need to work together to solve that.


I want lumian to have a conversation with arrodes.


"illusory river formed by shimmering mercury symbols. In front of him, he saw something similar but more surreal, as if representing the future or a tributary." Chapter 32 I think the pathway powers Circle of Inevitability main abilities revolves around destiny (tributary of destiny like the river/cycle of fate or something similar to it) that is why COI has connection to fate (river or cycle of fate) and why his abilities seems similar to wheel of fortune pathway. "With a single move, he could rewrite Lumian’s future and render all his efforts futile." Chapter 32 I think we can be sure padre is not of wheel of fortune pathway, as he is definitely not a demigod as didn't display a mythical creature form as Lumian didn't suffer any side effects when padre lost control, and we know the abilities of wheel of fortune seq 1 to 5 through Enzo and he didn't have the abilities the padre is displaying (the ability to rewrite the targets future actions). I think what's happening in Cordu village is not a loop and the events in Cordu village are not being rebooted, but a rewriting of destiny and the events in Cordu village are being rewritten instead or something similar. This is what I typed on the spoiler forum in LCD - Lord of the Mysteries, Book 2. (Circle of Inevitability).


well..the question is this first time that it loop back? maybe this village is in this loop for long time until Fors arrives.she try to break the loop and find out Lumian is the key so she guide him to obtain a beyonder power.that why she told him information and law about beyonder.


it reminds me of a snake of fates reboot[img=update]


maybe the time loop is only in the cordy village and not the outside world and people external to the village can come and go and have an influence maybe. the flow of time will be normal outside aka few days after lumien sent the telegram but the town went back in time.


The time loop only affects the village.


wait so like the place he lives in is the only one affected by this time reversal???


so it's confirmed the time loop is a local thing


so the time reversal can not influence to trier.