
Comments of chapter undefined of Fairy Tail: Shinigami


A lot of morons exist in this planet. just dont mind them and just read the good comments regarding your writing style because its amazing especially with 99% of merry sue in the writing community. it deprives us folks with brains with some good reading materialz.

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I honestly didnt know that people were having problems with the chapter, I thought it was cool.


Apologies about the comments. But the main problem i have is that you are not changing canon much. You are not even specifying how strong mc is right now? After training so long he can not even beat gildarts. Zanpakuto ability is also boring . He would need to self harm to use bankai. It feels like you are setting to go to the brink of death against acnologia. He can use kido no 90 and he can not even defeat a makarob level opponent.In bleach a person who could do this kido is high captain level shinigami. You have been doing a boring mc who tries to fix everything. Mc feels more like oc with future knowledge. Emotional, reckless,no selfishness, too much like a anime protagonist. He is not relatable sometimes.Zeref could beat the wizard siants all on his own and acnologia could beat 10 of zereps. Natsu beat them by not even 5 years of training seriously.


I believe there are 2 reasons for the comments. Firstly lack of visible progress. Pre-timeskip Adam would likely be able to beat Jose, not as cleanly as he did after but the only things you mentioned that people have any context towards in the timeskip were Adam getting injured in training a technique or by a god, it is difficult to really feel like he has improved when the only real mention of his true strength, his Bankai is yet another technique that will kill him for more power without outside interference, that sounds exactly the same as what happened in his fight with Artemis. This leads to the second problem, if it feels like he barely gained anything from the timeskip it ends up feeling like he just left to preserve the plot. And now after the timeskip where he should finally be strong enough to handle some of the consequences of changing the plot, he doesn’t. Adam is a very well written character, with good character flaws and strengths but if he has close to zero impact on the world does he really matter? Is Erza even that much stronger than canon after training with him, Cana has a full family structure in this, never had to deal with losing her mother, has a dad and brother in the picture and the only thing that changes is her clothes. Ur, Grey’s teacher, an extremely powerful mage alive and is in the guild but ends up doing a whole load of nothing. Lilia an OC to be a friend of Adam and introduced to be his companion similar to the Thunder God tribe has quite literally no feats to her name. To the reader it is frustratingly annoying to read a 100 chapters which amount to only a couple of changes and cameos from a couple of future enemies showing how far he needs to go and then after a massive timeskip having Adam be put in a bad situation by an opponent weaker than he faced pre-timeskip, In any case I do really like the story but it has been slightly frustrating after the timeskip at least imo.


I mean, I don't get why bro has to explain this 😔😔😔 I'm starting to feel like IQs are dropping much faster then usual.


Sad that it wasn't a new chapter, I'm actually excited about how it will go, and Adam did say he could tank the etherion so I wasn't really thinking it would cause drama like this o.o


Ignore the Karens ,Corn, they don't have an understanding button, let alone one to turn them off.


It seems to me that the problem is that Adam constantly holds back in front of the enemy. And, like in anime, they start a dialogue between the villain and the hero, lol..

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I really don't understand web novel readers, they expect a perfect MC, without defects, with the strength to destroy dimensions, intelligent, ah but they go to watch anime and find hundreds of pathetic MCs, I'm sure that if your mc were like Midoriya Izuku, they would already be killing you with insults


i think you miss the point here, we don't want a perfect mc, your mc is good..... but the problem is.. he travel faraway to train, yet it seems like he didn't improve much. you also force the plot so it can't stay away from the canon, this whole Jellal thing, isn't this a forced plot? and then i read that you let him alive.... isn't that a forced plot for the canon?

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I think this is your best story yet and am looki forward to seei where this goes. Ignore the haters.


Don't even put them in your mind, these are just edgy kids on their way to becoming edge lords. Even the grim reaper thinks that they're corny.


OP omniscient MC's are corroding people's common sense.


so any MC can be killed by any villain at any time. "I have your family as hostage, If i don't give the order, they will kill them in 1 minute, now surrender" Thats it, thats all it takes for any MC to be killed :D believing any nonsense any1 says :D Author, you are beyond a moron. and so are many commenters here.


...tbh I honestly don't mind these plots, but I believed the Jellal just deserves a quick end, I honestly can't think of another way that he COULD help a child soldier indoctrinated since childhood. Just get his suffering be finished and do your thing. No complaints about the cheapass tactics though, if Adam could tank it why should he even take the risk of harming Magnolia.


Listen Koren, you are an amazing writer. The part where you try to make your main character human is amazing. Most of the times I read novels, the people who write them make their main character a perfect human being and I hate it. In my opinion, it is impossible to connect with a main character who is perfect. In short, I love you Your writing and ignore the people who tell you otherwise.


I personally like this type of mc A perfect mc makes a story hollow. What i mostly expect in a story is character development and this story has a well thought out mc so i clearly dont see the problems others have


Chapter comments leave a distorted image of the readers opinion anyway. When everything is fine for the vast majority it is likely most won't see the need to comment, The minority who somehow finds fault is way more likely to comment and is as such overrepresented.


Corn-san can you decribe power level of adam pls I think when he was 17 he must stronger than final natsu(17) right now he is 24 or 25 so he should at least between acnologia and zeref level


Least chapter was really good . Every human feel fear if not for him but for his family or closed ones. So last chap was cool


I thought the chapter was good