
Comments of chapter undefined of Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power


Thanks for the chapter! Been a bit over a week but I finally caught up from the beginning. This novel is really quite interesting despite my constant frustrations with both Jay's life choices and just the things that happen. For example, his team always rapidly catching up to him and seeming to have no limit. In the early chapters you made it seem like there would be some kind of bottleneck for reaching certain levels of power. Also, they learn as fast as Jay do, especially Maria. Jay has a wide plethora of abilities and experience in wielding energy that I thought made it easier for him to pick up Qi... Then his team has no trouble doing it too. This happens a lot in this fic, like the Hydra soulstone was said to be near impossible to absorb, everyone on Jay's side succeeded without much effort.


It just feels like with all his abilities, Jay is always just barely ahead of his peers and as an MC, that's frustrating.