
Comments of chapter undefined of Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)


Yeah there a lot of us here who appreciate the work you do.

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I think it makes sense of what type of mc u trying to create it makes it feel more real instead of just a character that can do anything and not even have the emotion of a human after all he's still just a normal person and "accidentally" killed morte. so it make sense that he won't go around hunting other red players and kill them. So in summary good work author cause this fic feels more real.

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The book is doing very well. Please don't pay attention to those people who think that the world revolves around them and that they know best. I'm pretty sure that if those classic works were being rewritten right now, they would say the same things. As long as you don't stay in line, you will eventually reach the place you deserve.

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Don't worry about the haters they're never satisfied no matter what type of story it is. This is a great fanfic and I hope you keep writing 😁, tftc 🙏


Wow, I can’t believe people are really that upset… I mean I get what they are saying because on a primal level it makes sense. If Drifter was a solo player I could see him doing just that but he isn’t, and hunting them means risking two things that most people won’t risk. If he hunts his friends will not let him go alone, which means at least one of them will probably die, statistically thinking. Not to mention if he leaves by himself he would be abandoning his friends to fight by themselves. He isn’t going to do that. Most people wouldn’t be able to go on a Red Hunt but would sit back and beg others to do it.


thanks for the chapter!!


Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter