
Comments of chapter undefined of Little Dungeon System


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


Really Mc got beaten to such an extent for such stupid reason..... Last novel I read there mc got bullied to death cause he was fat. Again my second last novel mc got bulkied to death cause he was disabled... I mean no one.. Literally no one in the world(maybe few exception ). Would beat someone for this reason and beat in everyday is just absurd... I consider myself from world place in India with most crime rate but I still can't believe people would just beat for such stupid reason.. Even in my school even worst student would not beat someone. Most he would do is making fun.. And if you annoy him than the most he would do is slap you a time. I just passed college still have never seen such absurd person not even close... I think rich people is made fun more compared to poor.. But beating someone is still going overboard

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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola