
Comments of chapter undefined of Psionic (Marvel)


thanks for the update 😊


Wonder how this will go, that was really unexpected. Didn't think there would be death within the team so soon, jean might revive them with the phoenix but still I wonder how andrew will change due to this. Anyway, good work on this book man. Love how its progressing

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In fact you could say that the goblin force is his cheat or just that his desire, anger and fear awaken the goblin force How more perfect way to become the apex in the Ford chain by consuming your foes and improving? ( This could be the ideal of mixing andrew and the goblin force thoughts and ideals)


Hey author i was thinking , why not level up andrew ? If Jean can comunicate and coexist with the phenex... Why can`t Andrew co exist with the goblin force? After all Andrews desire of the apex predator and goblin force desire for hunger could be deeply afected with each other , think about it , andrew could negotiate and use the power of the goblin force for his ambitions. And he can slowly adapt to this force and the abilities that brings ,like one for all of my hero academia that the protagonist can get 100 at first if not he will die , he has to traain constantly to improbe and aument the % he can handle in all of his body


What a way to kill characters without armor in the plot...


Full goblin force powers : Powers Insatiable Hunger: The Goblin Force possesses an unknown capacity to absorb massive amounts of energy from cosmic-level entities, such as the Celestials, the Phoenix, the Beyonder and Galactus. The Goblin Force adds those powers to itself once it consumes them. It is not yet known what the extent of the Goblin Force's powers are. Energy Absorption: It can directly absorb any type of energy such as Cyclops' ruby-red-colored optic blasts or the entire energy of a star, sun, or even an entire galaxy. Disintegration Waves: It can consume and remove a near infinite molecules per second. Psionic Nexus: As it is the nexus of all psionic energy, it has vastly strong and powerful mental abilities, including telepathy, empathy,and telekinesis, and often seeks out hosts who have psionic abilities. When bonded with a host, the Goblin Force vastly strengthens and amplifies all of their superhuman mutant powers and abilities to immeasurable and innumerable power levels. Telekinesis: Goblin Force has immeasurable telekinetic ability, being capable of grasping entire planets and destroying them with a single thought. Concussive Force Blasts: It can wield this energy to project beams of immense concussive force that can destroy planets. Telepathy: It is capable of displaying various psionic feats with the minds of others including reading and communicating with thoughts over vast distances. Sorcery: Possibly one of the greatest casters in the world, the Goblin Force is capable of mass manipulation over magic energy. Demonstrated to even be capable of endless possibilities of spell casting, demonstrated to be stronger than Morgan le Faye, Merlin, and the Scarlet Witch all together. Shadow-Morphing: Allowing to dematerialize or create demons and goblins from shadows, lending them it's power. Immortal: The Goblin Force cannot die, meaning if it is even destroyed some how, it's entity will rebuild and create itself once again. Cosmic Manipulation: Possessing massive control over the cosmos, the Goblin Force can destroy planets and galaxies, summon comets and meteors, change the weather, and cause terrifying disasters. Chronokinesis: The Goblin Force has complete control over the time and its aspects, allowing it to alter time and space itself Cosmic Teleportation: It can teleport others across vast distances such as another planet or galaxy, and the vast vacuum of space itself. Resurrection Force Quantum Singularity: It can transmigrate throughout time and space by folding its energy back into itself, causing it to collapse akin to a black hole. It then reforms itself upon reaching its destination. Force of Life: The Goblin Force can control and manipulate life and death itself. Matter Transmutation: It can manipulate matter on a sub-atomic level (e.g., turning wood to gold, stone to crystal, etc).


If they come back to life I will be extremely disappointed.

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Hey everyone mc is destined to be the host of the goblin force , in both movies that the actor have played he played a human with psionics powers and played green goblin , coincidense? I do not think so But apart from jokes , if we do a deep analysis andrew compare to jean has more primals desires


Would be better if they stay dead. He has to face the consequences of his arrogance and learn and grow from experience. I say go the game of thrones route and stick to your guns and don't bring them back. It's a bad idea to kill characters and just bring them back just as quickly the next chapter. It essentially nullifies any impact thier deaths had and if it was just a matter of having him learn a lesson having them almost die would have worked just as well.


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Of course Andrew has to train to achieve full control of the goblin force powers


oh shi-


mc,evil mc.must guess that the alien stuff that powers him is on the shield.


ouch, what a shame. his free taxi retired too early


This chapter is too BS for my taste. Suddenly a wake up call, then kill a few people. Probably make MC go deeper into darker path. 🤔


so he just killed the three


thanks for the chapter


Thxs for the chap


Gracias por el capitulo


Thanks for the chapter