
Comments of chapter undefined of The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter


When are Iris and Cane going to see the light? I don't understand the point anymore. This has just gone from bad to worse!!! With no end in sight. I am at a loss here. I don't know what to think. Now the mate bond is broken. What's next?Losing the babies again. I surely hope not. I don't have much hope for a positive ending..



Guys let’s all go thru therapy after this book is finally completed because we going to need help processing this traumatic book…Dang this is a lot to take in …

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Wow, this is bad. I’m not sure if my heart can take it if Iris stands there devoid of any emotion while Decratic harms her loved ones. Please Iris, snap out of it and end this evil man once and for all. I’ve said it more than once that you’re the strongest character in this story, so let’s show everyone that’s the case by ending the Decratic here and now. And please dear auther release the next chapter(s) soon 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I’m on pins and needles here 😬


I feel numb. I am going with the flow. I can smell the miasma. i am having illusions. I see that the finale of the finale is far gone 😔😔😔


If this is the final battle then how come we're at 21 chapters and still not done? This is not what final means. What is the purpose of this drag?


Luna Iris for Goodness sake Come back to the divine light,


Please dear author don’t make us wait 8 more hours for the next chapter like we did yesterday 🙏🏻🙏🏻 I really need to know how this plays out & am loosing sleep over it 😵‍💫


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Dear Author, people read novels as an escape . We know reality is harsh and all…. That’s why people use novels and film to find happiness and distraction . But reading your book does more harm that the outside world to be honest . 1million tears and barely 1 win!! The world here isn’t that bad all the time. After this book I will definitely avoid your stories. We are looking for happy times that might be better than our reality, even if it’s just fiction and fairytales. This book doesn’t have that. Great story line and character . I like how you don’t forget any of the characters … you involve all and it’s very detailed . But your knack for breaking peoples hearts is too much. If this book ever ends🤣😂 I will shake your hand and call it a day .


What this?


is there any a time in this book where good actually win? it seems from the book start up this point is pure losing. iris was consume by the darkness before and she knows what it is like to be consumed and again she is? this time .... I don't know if therapy will help after this I'm serious....


I'm tired for this story. is lu going to die now, even after everything they've suffered? why is there no light at the end of their tunnel at all? who's going to be left when the story is over? will the end still be interesting? I've read alot of novels but I've never read one as depressing as this! there's nothing good happening from beginning to end! why is their fates so terrible?


dear author, please make it two chapters daily For us to be able to read. cuz you miss to chapters daily 🥺😭😭😭


díganme por favor que van a tener un final feliz porque sino seguramente odiare y maldecire al autor de por vida 🥺👉🏻👈🏻