
Comments of chapter undefined of The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter


I’m guessing this is Aria’s grand entrance, thanks again to Rei. I completely understand why Iris cannot control her emotions, as I’m having a hard time controlling mine too reading this. Praying for a positive outcome


não eu acho que é a princesa Osana


No no no! I need to know what happens n they have lost so much. Come on dear author give us some happiness for a change plz


Iris please Return to the light !!


Dear Author, thank you for the fantastic world you created. It has everything! Drama, suspense, humor, tragedy, and victory. Above all, it had characters that are beloved and will be very much missed.🥰 I loved Cane! What man!!😏💕👌


I don't know if I can still read her other stories after this book. I mean, her stories are good but dragging and she easily kills important characters. . At first I was invested to the point that I pay a lot of money for the chapters, but now I just wait for chapters that I can read for free because I want to know how the book ends. . I seriously enjoyed the first few chapters until a lot people died, not saying that no one should die but how they died was a bit mehhhhh and it's sad while the villains got away a lot of times. . saddddd


dear author.i became obsessed with the story since the beginning.the world you create was fantastic in my opinion.but trutly i need a proper ending of happiness for iris and cane after such heartbreaking road they go through.they deserve it and for my mental health as well


its nearly the end but why still need to kill the people iris love,😭grace...amee ..the other three warrior..huhuhuhu...until now im still sad


A therapy is a must! So many ups and may many downs, that every chapter is a heartbreak. Looking forward to the therapy. Though, knowing that the story is about to end and that's adding to my tears, still, the happy ending of our cane-iris and these beautiful followers will add to my everyday smiles.❤💚💙💛


Dear Author, I thank you for the best read I've had in a long time.. Your story has brought out every emotion in me. There were times when I literally wanted to fight you and then there were times when i wanted to laugh with you and hug you. Your work is truly amazing.. Keep up the good work I really appreciate you for taking my mind sometimes off the chaos of this world. God bless you in all your other endeavors..


oohh it's ending already ?? How come? but anyways, thank you so much dear author for all the hardwork. More winnings to come. 💪🙏😘


Querida Autora, você tem uma fã brasileira aqui, que livro incrível, ainda tem muito mais para ler , mas simplesmente ficarei órfã de uma boa história, gostaria que você publicasse suas histórias como livro, eu iria apoia lá, o nível de sutilezas, de cuidado na sua escrita é muito grande, claro, claro, nem todo mundo está preparado para um livro neste nível, tem que ter uma cabeça no lugar, e mesmo assim a gente fica em crise. Obrigada por essa história, por esse respeito, e pela humanidade, diante do sobrenatural. Você é incrível, escreva mais histórias .


thank you so much for this wonderful story author 🥰✨


Porque tanto sofrimento? Porque o povo de Iris e Cane tem que morrer tantos assim? Difícil continuar a leitura desse livro, só se vê sofrimento em toda parte, até parece que eles não vão ter um final feliz.