
Comments of chapter undefined of The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter


I don’t think I can ever recover from this. It’s too heartbreaking. So many good characters died for nothing. It could have been more acceptable if the characters died sacrificing their lives in order to save the main characters (Iris & Cane). But not like this!!! It’s as if their characters are indispensable or no value, and let’s just use them as a “sacrifice” for black magic. No biggie. I get that some of them are bound to die, that’s the reality. They are in the middle of a war. But killing them for nothing… dang!!! Even after reading the succeeding chapters, I always come back to this chapter, and I still think it’s not worth to kill them just like that. Amee, the mother figure for both, Grace who heals them and had been there for both pregnancies, Eron & Dyne, the first two guards and have always been proud and supportive to their Luna. 😭 Decratic isn’t the ultimate villain, it’s Rei!!! Or maybe Rei is Decratic himself. Either way, I don’t think I’m spending anymore money. 900+ chapters FOR THIS??? For countless heartaches, deaths, and negative emotions. I’ll just wait for the regular updates and save my money for feel good ones. Or maybe a therapy. I’m reading books because it’s therapeutic for me and I want to be entertained, not give me nightmares and heartaches. I get the highs and lows of the story, but not this tragic!!! It’s tragedy after tragedy after tragedy… All good characters must die and villains will always survive. Might as well just focus the story on Rei and Decratic’s survival story and their evil plans. Now that’s a good story! P.S. I’m not saying this book is not good. IT IS GOOD!!! That’s why I’m so invested in it, and loved the characters. It’s just that, some times I feel like this is more of a torture than a story.✌️


omg, this is too much . The author is pretty good killing Iris people. she will seriously make her suffer to the end. [img=strong]


I know a story has to be dramatic to enthrall the readers & this story is enthralling BUT I have never read a story where the author has killed off so many of the main good characters but let so many of the evil characters go basically untouched. If I was Iris or Cane I don't think I could go on at this point because of all the death & destruction especially after their daughters. never has a book had me tears so often & I don't know if it is the writing of the story or just sheer sadness at the deaths of loved characters. Part of me is scared to read anymore because of the fact that the author doesn't seem to care who she kills, I just hope Rei (who I now hate more than Decratic) & indeed Decratic die horribly very soon & that we lose no more of our beloved characters.


Grace , Amee, Eron, Dyne ,Otis , all of you are loved. author this is not fair at all . they deserve respect and honor not turn into sacrifices. not good at all


This is heartbreaking. How much sorrow, pain, and loss can someone insure. It's way too much cruelty. When are the villains of the story going to pay for their crimes? I am at a loss for words. Cane and Iris relie heavily on Amee for her guidance and wisdom. The author just decided she wasn't important and just took her. Grace was an integral part of the pack. The entire pack relied on her, who is left for Cane and Iris to rely on foe the birth of their babies? Her worriers thst were with her from day one. Enough is enough!!! If this continues, I may just stop reading. I have enough problems in my life to come and suffer daily while I read a book that I began to read because I thought it was different and for pure enjoyment. I am beginning to go to sleep depressed and anxious. I understand that perhaps the author is trying to make it as realistic as possible. Which I appreciate, but it has gone way too far, and the death of our beloved characters needs to stop. As a true fan of your work, I implore you to take pity on your characters as well as us your readers, and audience.



Dear author, who hurt you? I'm scared to finish your book, because the book is finishing me 😭😭


Oh good Lord. Do you want some Cheese with that Wine.. last I checked it’s Her Story!! Like you. I want Rie & the other baboon dead too! But again it’s her story. I’m just happy to be able to maybe finish the story in hopes the author doesn’t give up and quit writing this one, because of so much hatred being dealt her by overly sensitive people.. Just saying.. i_want_to_sleep


i cried a lot...where is joel?


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


author are you a fan of REI



It's so sad 😢. Amee, Grace, Eron, Otis😔 please author, no more deaths cause this is heartbreaking


the Author is not satisfied yet in killing Canes childrens and family now she even wanted to kill every important person in his life, i wont be surprised anymore if in the END the author will also kill IRIS LOL be prepared everyone 🥲


I don't really understand the point of a story in which every one is killed. Really disappointed.




😭😭😭😭 If Iris go totally dark I will not blame her either Decratic is an entity dt gives birth to Rei or Rei is d real darkness Decratic is just a sub version dt will eventually fuse together. They have lost a lot this holy kingdom ppl I regret their coming n I Wish every terrible thing on them esp elder Rose dt lied n cause dt begining of d hallucinations that led to this situation


o god I can't manage this is too much Amee???? she accepted Irid from the beginning, she was the mother Cane still had. n now they just due like this???? I was Lu to slaughter everyone from the holy kingdom. n I want Rei to suffer every single day. this is a merciless and meanliess massacre. I took a break from the last 5 or so chapters and came and saw this???? no it is too much