
Comments of chapter undefined of The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter


Wow, this wasn’t the reunion I was hoping for once Cane returned. He may have solved the problem with the way he treated Iris. I imagine she’s under an overwhelming amount of stress managing the packs all these weeks while being worried about Cane, and now feeling rejected by the one she loves the most. It may cause a miscarriage 😢 I understand why he’s upset and scared, but I also understand Iris’s intent in healing him. She didn’t think it would happen so quickly & she knew how badly Cane wanted children in the past. His anger when he raped her in library was due to him been sterile, so she was just trying help them fulfill their dreams one day. I hate that in a moment they should finally be experiencing joy and happiness, they are both miserable right now. This couple can never get a win, and even though I agree the timing to have a baby isn’t the best, Iris didn’t deserve that treatment. She’s been rejected all her life, and I bet this situation she just went through with Cane was one of the most painful she’s endured her entire life, and that’s saying something 😭


I totally agree. My heart breaks for Iris. I too understand his feelings but to outright blame her and basically reject her is wrong. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. So sad


I don't believe that the story will embark on this path of Cane not wanting the babies. What sustains our attention is precisely the fact that their love resists everything, now with him treating Iris this way, it's difficult. I hope it was just an explosion and he makes peace with her.


Don't forget yall that Cane has lost 3 children, his first in the most brutal way.. Then after the twins died, Iris lost her mind then forgot her own babies. Then let's think about her heart blackening when she finally did remember. So Cane's feelings are just as valid as hers. Both have very legitimate reasons to feel they way they do. Truthfully, I would've been upset with her as well not just bc it was extremely irresponsible but also bc she wasn't being open & honest about her intentions. I personally wouldn't have flat out said, get rid of the baby but I definitely would've been upset.... I think Cane will come around, he just needs some time to sort through his emotions.


Dumb Men!


When will they get peace


Eu estou achando que serão 3 bebês..! dois como cana, e o outro como íris 🥰


I completely understand why Cane is the way he is but I am still devastated. I waited for Cane for so long and now this? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Please bring back Cane in the next chapter or atleast let us hear is thoughts and then reunite them in the next chapter or 2 please🤞🤞🤞🤞


I am distraught


n0 pls let them have their happy ever after😊