
Comments of chapter undefined of The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter


We are at nearly 900 chapters & honestly for all the development there has been in this story it could have told in half that amount. The chapters are again way to short with no progression, how many chapters now have we been waiting on Ethan to be cured but here we are still waiting. This book is turning into a money pit šŸ’°šŸ’° it's getting way to expensive!! I really don't want to continue reading & wasting more money but because I've spent so much already I don't want to waste that money either, the author has me between a rock & a hard place however believe me when I say I'll give until 1200 chapters, if it's not concluded by then I'm out. There is no need for any book to be that long. I read books for enjoyment as I don't get out much due to ill health but this book has caused me more tears & heartbreak than all the hundreds of books I've read put together, especially so many deaths, Crystals death was heartbreaking & did absolutely nothing to the story, Avids death & him wanting to go home & his mate being pregnant, the children from the orphanage who survived monsters to die needlessly, Iris's precious babies (really author) Haco, it's all to sad. Yes there is upsetting things in a lot of books but this is really excessive. Do you even read the comments left author or are you just counting your coins??



It feels that these chapters are getting shorter and shorter. It's a full 24 hrs until the next 2 chapters. So, it's not fair. I have paid so much money for this book, don't get me wrong, I love it. However, some happiness would go a long way. For the characters and readers as well.

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Itā€™s rediculous the amount of money spent just to try and finish this book. It appears to be going nowhere. Thereā€™s some progression and then two steps back. Going in circles. It appears Iris and Cane are doomed. I mean even the struggle to get pregnant only to have them lose both babies. Doesnā€™t make sense.


Ethan will die. I hope not. Thatā€™s her style. I have read her other novels with a different pen name. Her stories have so much twists and came out with unexpectations. She has a creative mind. Each of her story lines and plots are interesting and different. It is just that these cliffhangers were annoying and the chapters are short considering we have to pay the privilege price. I feel trapped and thatā€™s why I do not give my powerstones and Golden ticket to her. It is enough that I was paying the chapters.


The story is dragging so much. And the chapters are getting shorter and shorter. We have to wait for 24hrs for 2 short chapters. Itā€™s like Iā€™m waiting for nothing. If Ethan will die or anyone important, and the author drag this too much, then Iā€˜d probably just wait for the regular updates. As much as I love this book, itā€™ll be a waste of money to buy priveleges and prolonging this is a torture.


Get to the point.


Ethan is one of the most beloved characters in this story. He is more of a brother to Iris than Mason. I was sad when Avid died. My heart broke when the babies died. I got teary-eyed when Haco died. But if Ethan die, I'd be very devastated. He brings so much joy in this story with his humor, antics and personality. If the author decided to kill Ethan's character, I don't think s/he can have another character as funny and lovable as Ethan. He is irreplaceable. I would never recover from that, and I feel like everything would go downhill after. (Thatā€™s just me tho) Apart from the two main characters, Ethan and Lou are my favorites. So please Author, if youā€™re reading this, I beg you. DO NOT KILL ETHAN!!! Pleaseā€¦ pleaseā€¦ pleaseā€¦


I will say I will see the book through to the end. It doesnā€™t matter how long it takes to get there. Sheā€™s an excellent writer and I love her work every now and then I do get frustrated. I cannot lie about that however, sheā€™s very creative with her The characters come to life, leave you in suspense. Another words can get emotional isnā€™t that what we all look for and reading a book fall in love because I did with this book and I love everything about it.


she's going thru the whole grieving process.. i think it will make her stronger

Author liked the comment.


These comments are lil aggressive.. I definitely understand the short chapterā€™s Iā€™m definitely NOT a fanā€¦ plus with the buying the privilege chapters. I feel like if the author out everything into one-two chapters it leaves us with no excitement or anything to look forward too. This is the authors storyā€¦ā€¦ (I think yall are forgetting that) what she/him/they choose to do in their book is up to she/him/they. The progression of the story has been well played out and relalistic in MY OPINION. Especially with hurt, death, infant death, trauma, mental illness etc involved. I think people are upset theyā€™re not getting there way on how why the story should be goingā€¦ā€¦ this is a person.. who Iā€™m sure has a real life and probably real problems. Iā€™d rather short chapters than this author give up on the book completely ( which then would be considered stealing out money) or going on a hiatus.. and never coming back. Take it easyā€¦ or stop reading ..


Dear author, you canā€™t just kill off all the good characters! To the other impatient readers: have a little faith in our author. Stand your ground and bear with me a little longer. Iā€™m sure it will be worthwhile! šŸ‘ŠšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


dam it i thought this would be the chapter we find out about Ethan šŸ„ŗšŸ’”šŸ˜­ dragging , be more upset if he ends up died after all this waiting


pobre Iris. Vaii sofrer ao lembrar que perdeu os bebĆŖs


Dear author, where did you go? Will we update tonight?


Come on Iris you got this!!


the author is dragging 1 scene to 3 or 4 chapters


This is dragging so much. It is like 10 short chapters and we still don't know what will happen to Ethan. Also, what was the point of having Abby try in the fist place and lose precious time, when we already know that she is not powerful enough? She could't even resolve the issue with the poisoning, then how come is the author expecting to us to believe that she would save Ethan? Like really?


Thanks for the chapter!!


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


Author, you're amazing.