
Comments of chapter undefined of Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers


I can recognize this write stile anywhere You have been reading SSS-Class Suicide Hunter, haven't you?

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This is deff one of the best danmachi fics out right now. But plz let this be the last time alaya and the counter guardian stuff comes into play wait till like deeper in the story for that Plus I’m kinda hyped to find out what his aria is gonna be and when he’ll finally be able to use UBW

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Will he at least gain something from this? Bell just went through a massive struggle here, he should at least get something. Obviously he won’t get all the powers he just showed but at least give him something for all the effort he just went through

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Si hay x sona también hay x levi_tan

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Thank you for the chapter, I liked it but was really annoyed when he was controlled it felt unnecessary as he was winning without anything interfering with the fight, if he was losing then it might be acceptable but at this point it honestly felt unneeded

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Author maybe you will try to write about Shinmai Maou no Testament or Kyoukai senjou no horizon, Infinite Stratos, Re:creator or Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka because no one write about this. Every author in webnovel are writting only dxd, naruto, Bleach and One piece no one

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I don’t know about anyone else but based on what I managed to get from the garbled text, I’m hoping Bell awakens a new power based on the original Bell’s skills

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This was amazing you are a great writer and i can’t wait to see what’s next for this amazing story

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this chapter gave me literal chills

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Man this made my blood boil in excitement.

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I will be sincere i expected unlimited blade works but this chap was epic all the same

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I have a question in the story, Bell will join the hestia family with Lili, he also remembers that Fianna had special eyes, maybe she inherited the rest of Fianna over there, but I don't know, compared to the true abilities that Fianna had, it would also be good if Lili gave them of motivation to those of his race who are treated as the weakest, just like his reincarnation, also if I'm not wrong, Bell may be a hero but he can't, he just has to make a group and help him his identity as a hero and also comment on the feats of his group that accompany him and Haci the family is becoming stronger and also ottar in the light novel it is designed that ottar is considered devil since he wanted to surpass the level 8 and 9 captains of the family Zeus and Hera by That continues to make a suggestion that Lili, being a palum, also do an Azaña. I'm excited, what does Finn and the palums of the Freya family think of her being the reincarnation of Fianna and that she motivates their race to be better?

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¿Tengo una pregunta en la historia Bell se unirá a la familia hestia con Lili ha también recuerda que fianna tenía ojos especiales puede que fin allá heredado los resto de fianna pero no sé compara a la verdadera habilidades que tenía fianna también sería bueno que Lili les de motivación a los de su raza que son tratados como los más débiles igual como su rencarnación además si no estoy mal puede que Bell se un héroe pero el no puede solo tiene que hacer un grupo y ayudarle su identidad como héroe y también comentá de las hazañas de su grupo que lo acompañan y Haci la familia se va volviendo más fuerte y también ottar en la novela ligera se dise que ottar de considera devil ya que el quería superar a los capitanes de nivel 8 y 9 de la familia Zeus y Hera por eso se sigue esforzando una sugerencia que Lili al ser un palum también aga una Azaña estoy emocionado que piensa finn y los palum de la familia Freya de ella al ser rencarnación de fianna y que los motive a su raza a ser mejor?


¿Técnicamente Lili al ser la rencarnación de fianna sería considerada como una diosa para su raza todo saben de ella sería popular entre los palum ya que la historia de fianna persiste a pesar de Aver pasado años estoy emocionado que pensaran los demás palum de la familia Freya y loki en segundo una pregunta vas meterle la habilidades del ojos especiales a fianna ?

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I thought he would do a ultimate blades work

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I want to know why this connection with Gaea or Alaya, the mc only has the powers in Emya's soul

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Thanks for the chapter. Imo fight scene lasted 2 long and i did get annoyed by the "unreadable" text.

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¿Aiz va estar en harem ella debe ser salvada nesesita un héroe?

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Si vas hacer una historia de dxd te recomiendo a serafall Leviatán es una de las mujeres de dxd que no se porque no le sacan buena historia a ella debería empezar no sé cómo desendiente de lucifer rencarnación en un demonio de sangre pura y te conviertes en un súper demonio y malebranche osea las sacre gear demoniaca quien creo los satanes es que casi no hay historia de rencarnación en demonios entonces si ese es mi consejo ya que hay muchas historias repetidas de rencarnarcion en humano y tiene longinus es muy usado luego se vuelve demonio ya es muy usado mi opinión empieza recarnando en un desendientes de lucifer y Haci ellos se va haciendo amigas de la herederas y harem y se va convirtiendo en rey demonio para mí opinión


I have to hand it to you, you write the best battle scenes I've seen in a long time. Your choreography and description are amazing, and your narration brings the battle to life. The details on the destruction of the surroundings and its implications, as well as the reactions of the combatants and the emotions they feel with each attack, are a beautiful performance. I honestly can't think of anything I could add or comment on that would improve your skills. Maybe adding more gore would be a different style, but it wouldn't necessarily be an improvement.


so much xp wasted