
Comments of chapter undefined of Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers


The good hero died at the end. i don't like heroes.....

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The MC is very much Freya's Simp, I understand being interested in getting to know her, but he's a complete Simp who has basically fallen in love with a fictional villainous character and is constantly making excuses to justify her actions.

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Considering he has UBW with limitless potential alongside knowledge Emiya didnt have about games,novels,many stories and mythologies I expect his weapon arsenal becoming very overpowered and overgeared. Not to mention his knowledge of manga and many extraordinary martial arts great mangakas created so if he can recreate them even better, he already got inspired by nen.

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I'm not trying to be mean when I say this, but when you keep trying so hard to elevate Freya, it just comes off as you simping and trying to find an excuse for her actions. rather than appeal me towards her, it's like you're trying to force your opinion of her down our throats since it's done whenever you bring her up. I don't have a problem with her but you're only looking at what she's done in a positive light when if you were to take in the reality of her actions there were consequences that haven't been brought to light in the novel such as the mutant monster in the first novel definitely killed some people when it was let on its way to bell or the collateral casualties that came out of Freya releasing the monsters during the festival. she may have done those things for Bell, but she only cares about him, not everyone else or the after effect of her actions. my point is you already made your stance clear on her, so cut back on explaining her to us.

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I hope he doesn't become like Cid, I don't know if my tastes are weird or what, but I don't like Cid, he's too focused on the shadows so he often ignores his surroundings

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let him cook 😈

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Will he unlock the God like cooking technique of emiya you can't have UBW and not cooking

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Thanks for chapter

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Now I'm curious how the bell soul looks

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The story is amazing, and I wanted to know if you could add an auxiliary chapter with the names and images that appear in the story, including the mc?

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me gusta, pero creo que el en el futuro va a sufrir como issei de dxd por culpa de medea, en dxd, issei fue asesinado por su primer amor y novia, por lo que siempre piensa que las chicas que son amables con el es por que estan agradecidas con el y el piensa que es imposible que lo amen, lo mismo sucede con bell solo que puede ser peor que el anterior, debido que el mc era un antisocial y abandonada persona en su vida anterior, el desarrollo un complejo de inferioridad y el esta al borde de la locura, pero fue salvado por su abuelo, su tia y medea, siendo la base que su vida durante catorse años, donde existe un gran amor, de hecho el si estaba enamorado de medea pero como nunca fue amado en su vida anterior el siempre penso que era amor de hermanos, pero cuando medea lo beso, el se dio cuenta de sus emociones y sentimientos por ella, pero la tonta en ves de ser valiente y decirle algo cursi como esperame o algo por el estilo, le dijo que era un beso de hermanos y se burlo de el, y considerando que el tiene autoestima baja y poca confiensa debido a su aislamiento, hizo creer que realmente el no es atractivo y no puede haber ninguna mujer que lo ame, entonces cuando medea vuelva, es muy probable que bell mantenga la distancia con ella y todas la mujeres que lo rodean, excepto freya, syr y hope (o como se llame su tercera personalidad) que desde su impresion y lo que conoce de ella desde su vida pasa y de zeus, y todas la indirectas seran ignoradas y incluso las directas seran rechazadas como acto de buena fe, como en el mc de una novela que lei hace tiempo que se llama Sonomono Nochi Ni

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the best danmachi fanfic 👍

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author can you please put the pov of freya and other secondary characters? (written with Google translate)


I hope he doesnt act like side character.

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Thanks for the chapter on a good story

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me imagine al mc con el arma de Aizen controlando todo orarion para que progese como el quiere

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man this fanfic is really good 👍

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Thanks for the chapter

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Me encanta tu historia espero que no la dejes de escribir. ❤️ Tengo una duda Bell podrá llegar al nivel que si crea Avalon será igual que la real o solo llegará al nivel de copia de alta calidad. Porque con su conocimiento de otro mundo puede crear arma como Yamato

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Thanks for the chapter!

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lord shadow paths isn't easy prepare your self