
Comments of chapter undefined of Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan


But has Renn's appearance ever been described?


I don’t think I’ve ever given a full description, mainly because I wanted to leave most of his appearance to the readers imagination.

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter

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thanks for the chapter

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thanks for the chapter

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Wasnt expecting for the chapter to come out till tmrw. But hey who am I to complain thx for the chapter.


Another idea to make it more powerful could be: That he was born from his Arkanian mother and that thanks to this he has their genetic abilities such as their Extreme intelligence, their ability to see in the infrared spectrum (therefore in the dark) and their clawed fingers, but that they were blocked by his grandmother with strength because thanks to the dredd lineage and strength, they were enhanced even more and their defects were eliminated but after that they were too strong for a small child so they were sealed, with this improved intelligence he could learn at a much higher rate be it the powers of force, science, knowledge in general. The other may be that he was also adopted by the other mother so he became the last of that Mandalorian house and through this he can become the Mand'alor and have the Mandalorians loyal to him as his people. Being part Arkanian you could justify improving with cybernetics and genetic manipulation, their use of cybernetics and genetic manipulation for generations has made them (especially him thanks to what was written before) immune or more resistant to the problems that arise from these improvements, in this way he could increase his strength, his lifespan, his memory etc... For upgrades he could develop (after unlocking the Arkanian lineage) a way to not have problems like Darth Vader with electricity etc... or even develop purely biological implants as a form of genetic manipulation.


The force could guide him to find: Finding the HK-47 on Mustafar where by getting its memory plus you have improvements Revan made to it, you could implement his tactics against the jedi and also Revan's force powers, knowledge, philosophy. Find Zakuul where from the ruins and remains he could learn their technology (like the Skytroopers he could use in his army), how to train and create Knights of Zakuul. Finding the remains of the Eternal Fleet, he could recreate it.


A few questions and ideas just came to mind. What equipment does he have on his armor and what weapons does he use? When will it start conquering worlds and systems? What army and navy does he have? Which planets did he conquer? Will there be other girls in the harem? Will we see him fly starfighters? You could make him obtain all the information and knowledge of the Jedi Archives with for example modified droids, through the force he could create a holocron that manages to copy other holocrons and in some way for example when Cad Bane enters the Holocron Vaults you could make him put ' internal, you could also let him find the Darth Sidious' collection and do the same. This way you could copy both the Great Holocron and the Telos Holocron. For the lightsaber you could do like Jedi Survivor games where it has many modes. I understand that for now you want him to use the powers of force sense and body enhancement even if for now we haven't seen much of both, but there are very useful powers that he could use such as: telekinesis ( which is the basis), mind trick(mind control), telepathy, mechu-deru, Dark Side Magic, Shatterpoint, Psychometry, Force Light, Crucitorn, Force Lightning, Beam Of Light, Force Storm, Force Drain, Force Stealth, Mind Probe, Force Concealment, Force Sever, Force Stasis, Mental Manipulation, Force Barrier, Force Healing, animal bound, sith alchemy and others you can find by searching like "66 Force Powers from the Star Wars Universe". What do you think of the other ideas I wrote to you in the previous chapters?