
Comments of chapter undefined of The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]


Last_quincy when ur done with this story can u make sum one who does piss me off with this chivalry crap love the story tho


Ulf really needs to stop doing this to himself and move on.he really still he loves this girl after years of not seeing or talking to her.There was no reason for him say no to what was going to happen that night.Nobody was going to get harmed or betrayed if he sleeps with her,but no,because he is a grade A simp he had to suffer for no real reason(this why we don’t simp).Hell,the reason why he didn’t go with her was good one, innocent people were going to died due to their selfish desires,so he didn’t go.He chose the right choice and now he is suffering for it.Even the girl he loves has somewhat moved on and is talking and taking comfort in someone else,but Ulf is literally suffering alone by his choice.I don’t feel sorry for Ulf;he did this to himself.He could of taken comfort in someone else who was willing to do so,but didn’t,and now he’s paying the price for it.But still,there is hope for him,the woman still likes him and he has some friends ,so maybe he will wise up sometime soon.

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Hmmm... Something tells me by the way the author writes certain parts and dialogoues, that it will be quite awhile before Ulf loses his V card, or finds someone else to love and care for.. Author is the human with the laser pointer, and we the Cat who tries its best to catch the light, only to just barely miss it.. When we think that aha! Ulf is gonna get some, or Finally get over She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the author janks the carpet under us and say: Sorry, but not yet *Proceeds to smirk and cackle at the frustration of the Readers* Oh yeah, Great chapter as always btw, and Love what yer doing and writing 😁


Thank you for the great chapter, Author. I am indeed pleased with this story. May your future chapters amuse as much. Although I want ulf to ride silverwing more often... I miss their bond.-Gilgamesh


Ulf the grade S simp


he a good mc but nobody likes a simp


Great chapter


thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter and more