

2596 Tower Upgrade (Part 2)

"Now on top of our turns to keep an eye on the kids while they play with Garrik, we also have to keep Selia company. The only silver lining is that at least I can use Accumulation during a movie so it's not a complete loss." Lith said.

"What about me?" Kamila asked.

"You don't know Light Mastery and you can't use Accumulation either." Lith shrugged. "Grandma expressively forbid you to put any more strain on your core and you know it."

"I meant that you didn't include me in the list of your activities, smartass. What am I, a hobby for when you have time to spare?"

"Those are the things I have to do." Lith gave her an "I got you" smirk. "Spending time with you is something I want to do."

The answer made her squeal with joy, turning her frown upside down.


Trawn woods, Lith's tower, a few days later.

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Lith and Solus were working in the Forge, using the Workshop to create from Davross and elemental crystals a setup similar to the one they had witnessed in Glemos' lab but that worked for his Tiamat's eyes as well.

"The concept is brilliant. If we manage to replicate it, we'll be able to tap into the world energy that exceeds the tower's capacity and greatly reduce the burden on my core while Forgemastering a difficult piece.

"It would be like having a second pair of Hands of Menadion. Not only would it relieve you of part of your burden so that you could take a more active role in the actual enchanting phase, but it would also simplify the procedure of imbuing elemental spells."

One of the current limits of the tower's Hands that the corresponding piece of Menadion's legacy didn't have was the lack of a full set of elemental crystals.

Solus' Hands were still incomplete and while they could control the world energy to perfection anyway, when it came to conjuring single elements, things would go awry if the artifact had yet to recover the corresponding crystal.

Sure, they could borrow the complete Hands from Faluel whenever they wanted, but the artifact lacked both a Spirit Crystal and a direct connection with the tower. The former made them useless when crafting Spirit artifacts while the latter meant no support from the power core, requiring greater focus to achieve the same effect.

Glemos' device instead was capable of fuelling Lith's Spirit eye and since the world energy was filtered through his body, it answered to his will like his own mana.

"Agreed, but I wouldn't be so optimist if I were you." She replied, conjuring and dispelling one prototype after another in quick succession.

As soon as Lith's eyes failed to establish a connection with the elemental crystals, she would adjust the design based on the readings of the Eyes of Menadion and the intuition she garnered from the Sage Staff.

"What do you mean?" Lith used Demon Grasp, his Accumulation technique, non-stop. This way he split the world energy into its basic components and gave the Eyes of Menadion a baseline that the artifact could compare with the current apparatus' performance.

Every setup that fell below or slightly above Demon Grasp's effectiveness was discarded as a failure. Those who showed a better output or at least a strong synergy with the Tiamat's eyes, instead, were put aside for further studies.

Another advantage of the Workshop coupled with the Eyes of Menadion was that the blueprints of partial successes could be instantly arranged in hybrid devices to test if they could be combined to overcome their respective shortcomings.

"I mean that the reason my mother developed the Hands is to avoid burdening her body. Glemos' device probably works just as well, but the problem is that it conjures energies that are up to the user to wield.

"Sure, it allows a Tyrant to exceed the mana output of a bright violet core but their life force is still the same. When used at full power, this device puts a huge strain on the Forgemaster.

"I think that Glemos used it mostly to craft artifacts he was already familiar with and whose crafting method didn't require a prolonged effort."

"I see. Lith nodded.

"No, you don't." Solus sighed. "Your life force is cracked so whatever Glemos' limit was, yours will be lower. And that once you reach the bright violet. Until then, even if we create a Tiamat version of this thing, you aren't allowed to employ more than a fraction of its power. Are we clear?

"I think you are overreacting" Lith replied in annoyance. "I'd be still working inside our tower and my body would be enhanced and protected by its enchantments, something that Glemos could only dream about.

"Also, you have developed the Immortal Body array exactly for a situation like-"

Solus slammed her fist against the wall, producing a deafening boom and making a giant ultrasound picture of Elysia appear on the walls.

"I developed it to save your life in case of emergency. To not suffer again the pain of losing the person I love the most. Not to let you be reckless. Or do you want make Elysia an orphan right after she's born?"

The eyes in the picture were half open, yet Lith could almost feel them staring at him.

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"Of course not, but come on." His tone had gone from argumentative to conciliatory in half a glance. "It shouldn't be much different from Demon Grasp. My breathing technique also drains massive amounts of world energy and it never had any side effects.

"Quite the contrary, it makes my body stronger and tempers my life force."

"That's because the energy is quickly absorbed by your core without being amplified or emitted back. During a Forgemastering process, instead, your body would be burdened both as the power of the elements gets in and when it goes out after being multiplied by your mana core Solus countered pointedly.

"So it would be double the strain and less than half the time you usually have before mana abuse kicks in. I have to concede that the tower might protect your life force, but until we figure out all the ups and downs, we are going to further this project in small steps. Okay?"

"Okay." Lith raised his hands, admitting defeat. Man, I almost miss the days when Solus' existence was a secret and I was the only one she could talk to. Back then, we would have argued until we found a compromise but now she can rat me out to my parents and Kami.'

'I can take a fierce debate whereas my mother's tears, my father's worry, and my wife's reminding me that I'm going to be a father is way more than I can take.' He inwardly sighed.

Then his eyes were drawn to the wall again and this time Elysia's eyes seemed to be filled with grief instead of reproach.

Lith could almost hear himself explaining to a barely five years old lovely little girl that they would never see each other again due to the consequences of the experiments he had conducted before her birth.

"Why, Daddy?" In his vision, Elysia had Kamila's hair, Elina's face, and his eyes. "Why do you love magic more than me?"

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Lith's mind then pictured the moment after his own funeral, with Elysia crying in Kamila's arms and later blaming her for being incapable of saving her dad. He saw Elysia grow like Solus, marked by her father's death and estranged from her mother in an attempt to pin the blame for her loss on someone.

Lith felt like a colossal jerk and decided that he wouldn't try to trick Solus into changing the terms of their deal.

"I'm sorry, Solus. You are right." He said. "But now please remove that picture or I won't be able to focus on anything. I feel like Elysia is judging me."

"Please, she doesn't even know who you are! Solus said with a scoff. "What you feel is your own judgment as you are forced to remind yourself that your life doesn't belong just to you anymore. Which is a good thing"

At a wave of her hand, the picture shrunk to a much more acceptable size, something that a dad would keep on his desk at work. Something that now sat on Lith's desk inside a frame shaped like a heart with "I can't wait to meet you, Daddy" engraved along its edges.

"Seriously?" Lith knew that neither the frame nor the engraving was Elysia's doing yet he felt even worse than when the picture covered the Forge's walls.

"Yep." Solus cheerfully nodded. "You can always destroy it if you don't like it."

Lith waved his hand and every fiber of his being screamed as if he was about to physically harm his daughter instead of a picture.

"Fine, you win, dammit." He flipped the frame down, incapable of standing Elysia's gaze one second longer yet incapable of putting the picture away. "By the way, during the last Void Magic lesson I had an idea that I'd like to run by you."

"Sure." Solus gloated, knowing from his expression and moving the topic to a non-controversial matter that Lith wouldn't try to change her mind about Glemos' device or pull something funny behind her back. "I'm all ears."

"I was thinking that maybe our current understanding of Void Magic is both shallow and short-sighted. If I'm right, it is possible to turn any element into many others at the same time."

"Wait, what?" Her mind went blank in confusion and surprise. "Are you serious? "Think about it." Lith Warped them both to the Firing Range floor, where the arrays of the tower would counter the effects of every spell that he would cast whether direct or indirect. And I mean like someone from Earth, not a Mogarian.

"What does a fireball do?" He cast a tier three spell, releasing a sphere of fire ten meters (33) in diameter that exploded with the strength of several hand grenades.

The Firing Range neutralized the boom, the blinding light, and the scorching heat that releasing such a spell in a confined space caused.

The fire generates light that can be converted into darkness." Lith cast a second fireball, but this time it spread a black corrosive fog instead of radiance.

"The detonation releases shockwaves that can be either enhanced to conjure bolts of lightning or switched into earth." This time he cast two fireballs, the first one releasing whip-like jolts of electricity and the second one forming restraints around the hypothetical enemy.

"Turning fire into ice is just basic Void Magic, but what if I affect solely the hot air it produces? A final fireball exploded, but this time it conjured a frost wave that covered the walls in ice.

Fire makes sense, but what about water or air? How do you convert them?" Solus asked while her brain spun at full gear to find an answer to her own question while also exploring all the possibilities of Lith's discovery.

"Easy" Lith generated a bolt of lightning whose light turned into darkness and then another which on impact turned the heat carried by the electron's discharge into a frost layer.

Then, he conjured a small sphere of water that after being electrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen produced the same effects as the earlier fireballs.

"Wait, I remember this. Isn't that the same thing we did with Mjolnir back when we fused against the cursed objects?" Solus shuddered at the memory.

"Indeed." Lith nodded. "This is something we've already done but that we never really considered. I'm not going to lie, I had almost forgotten about it until one of our students asked me if it was possible to use Void Magic on the effects of his spells instead of just the cause."

"What did you reply to him?" Solus could see from the memory that Lith was sharing with her that the idea had come from a fourth year student and how even the Royals and the Headmasters of the six great academies had stopped their practice to listen.

gave him full marks and I told him that we had to think about it. I couldn't give him an answer without consulting the co-creator of Void Magic first. Lith replied with a warm smile.

"By my Mom, that cause and effect speech was really inspired. I wish I was there with you during the first Void Magic lesson." She embraced him, glad that the quarrel about Glemos' machine was already behind them and of his willingness to share the public recognition for their work.

"Me too, but I'm glad you took that trip." He returned her embrace. "It helped you to grow and led to several interesting discoveries, like the fact that when we are fused the tower heals my life force as well.

"Besides, if you want to watch my lessons, the Royals have all of the recorded in such a high quality that 4K resolution is a puppet show in comparison. Sure, getting your hands on them might be expensive but witnessing true genius is a priceless experience."

"Don't get cocky, smartass She pulled away, punching his arm playfully. "I get enough 'true genius' at home and at the tower. If you want me to suffer more, you should pay me, not the other way around."

Jokes aside, what do you think?" Lith asked once they were done mocking each other.

"It's definitely a good idea, but it's going to be difficult to put it into practice. Much more than regular Void Magic." Solus replied. "The underlying principle is the same, but the starting point and timing are completely different.

"Void Magic requires you to switch the elemental energy you have conjured for your spell into its counterpart. It's not easy but since it is your mana, once you know what you are doing the process still follows your will and the switched element is under your control.

"Altering the passive effects of a Void Spell, Instead, requires detecting the elemental energies that are released by your mana, taking control of them before they disappear, and then switching them."

"I have come to the same conclusion." Lith sighed. "That's why we came to the Firing Range. At the moment I can switch only one of the elements that comprised the secondary effects of a spell at a time and only if there's no willpower involved."

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"Affecting the elemental energies released by a spell with Void Magic requires so much of my focus that without the tower's defensive measures, my ass would probably be blown to the ground since to be ready to switch light or air I can't even aim properly."

Inoticed." Solus nodded. "Still, it's worth exploring. It's going to be a great addition to our arsenal, but I think right now it's better to focus on tier four and five Void Magic. I'm sorry to admit that I haven't made much progress on that front."

"Me neither." Lith shook his head. "The root of the problem is that the elements that comprise the spell can't be switched one at a time. Doing that destroys the balance that holds them together and makes them fade."

"It's actually worse." Solus pointed out." managed to switch two elements at the same time, but that's not enough to achieve tier four Void Magic. Look."

She weaved a tier four Banefire stored inside the Mouth of Menadion, generating a burst of darkness-infused flames that took the form of a scorching pillar of black fire. Then, turned darkness into light and fire into water, obtaining only a sparkling splash of water.

"What the fuck?" Lith had followed the entire procedure with Life Vision and he was certain that Solus' technique was flawless. Yet her failure didn't have a single silver lining.

"Here's the deal." She had a board appear behind her back, filled with two strings of runes of the color of their respective elements, red and yellow. "If tier four was just casting two tier three spells at the same time, there would be no need for the great academies.

Tier four requires taking runes from different elemental spells and combining them so that they work together to produce something that's greater than the sum of their single parts.

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"Unique effects like Full Guard that uses air and fire magic to generate a wide-range heat and motion sensory field. The two strings of runes on the board slithered into each other like snakes, forming the formula to cast Full Guard that Lith recognized.

"Yet what happens if you just switch them?" The red runes turned blue and the yellow ones became orange, changing their shape along with their color.

Suddenly the elegant incantation that allowed for a quick cast had been turned into a Jumbled, nonsensical mess.

Switching a single element into its counterpart always affects the runes as well. For tier three and below this is nigh-unnoticeable because any mage capable of performing Void Magic can also adjust the runes in accordance with the effect they are trying to obtain.

"It's their own mana so it answers to their will and Void Magic gives them all the tools they need to interact with the spell after it has been cast.

"Tier four and above, however, require a further step. At the moment of the switch, you have to already have in mind another tier four spell comprised of at least one of the complementary elements and whose effects can be drawn from the original runes.

"Another possibility is to switch both the elements and then rearrange the runes as well, but that requires a focus and skill that only a master of Void Magic or someone who isn't risking their life on the battlefield can achieve."

"When you put it this way, it sounds nigh-impossible, but I don't think that the situation is as dire as you paint it." Lith replied.

"Why, have you found a flaw in my theory?" Solos tilted her head in confusion.

"No, your analysis of how to properly cast tier four Vold Magic is accurate, I simply disagree with your conclusions. You see, the problem is that you are trying to go from zero to one thousand in one go.

"Void Magic is no different from Glemos' device. It's something new that needs further study before reaching a definitive conclusion. As you said before, we need to proceed in small steps.

"In this case, it means to devise exercises of increasing difficulty meant to familiarize with switching one element while keeping the balance of the overall spell."

"Rather than trying to convert the two elements and sets of runes that comprise a tier four spell at the same time, we should rather search the academy's grimoires for spells whose elements can be switched with minimal adjustments in their runes.

"This way, people like me can focus on learning how to switch only the elements. People who have reached your level, instead, need to practice on spells that still work after switching one of its elements and require solely to rewrite both sets of runes.

"This way you'll be able to practice Void Magle on a tier four spell like it's tier three and once you get used to freely manipulating one element while keeping the other one stable you can move to a perfect tier four Void Magic spell."

"That's a great idea." Solus started to put all the magical tomes they had inside Soluspedia to read and cross-reference them for what they needed. "Maybe you really are a genius." She chuckled.

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"I wish." Lith firmly cut the air with his hand in denial. "I'm just following Professor Rudd's methods to teach us dimensional magic, breaking down an apparently impossible task into smaller exercises that once put together make the impossible possible."

"Okay, maybe you are not a genius, but at least your teaching method is not meant to make your students feel like idiots." As soon as Solus found a suitable pair of spells, she had the library jot them down on a separate parchment.

The runes that had to be altered were highlighted while the rest were marked for further study to see if they could be removed in order to keep the exercise simple and reduce its mana cost.

"That's because our purpose is different. Rudd always wanted to create an elite that suited his beliefs whereas I want to see as far as our creation can go. It's exactly because I'm not a genius that I understand the importance of making Void Magic accessible to everyone.

"By pooling up the resources of hundreds of mages, people like the student who inspired me might discover how to overcome the boundaries of magic that have always been considered unsurmountable.

"Otherwise the moment an evil Manohar pops up, we'll be royally-"The rune of Jadon Lark, the Count of Lustria, lit up on Lith's amulet, drawing his consciousness and cutting him short. "I'm sorry, but I have to take this.

"Dear Count, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Lith set the hologram so that only his figure would be projected, hiding both Solus and the Tower.

"Please, just call me Jadon." The son of Trequill Lark resembled his father enough to make the scar left in Lith's heart ache. Orpal had murdered Lark only to make Lith suffer and he had succeeded. "We know each other ever since you were a mean-eyed kid.

"Also, now that you are a Magus it's not like the title of Count holds any weight anymore. If anything, it should be me giving you bows and reciting your titles before saying your name."

2599 Let's do the Warp Gate Again (Part 1)

The most notable differences between the late Count Lark and his heir were that Jadon was almost ten centimeters (4 inches) shorter and had a muscular build while Trequill had always been wiry.

The current Count Lark was in his late twenties, with pitch-black hair and a goatee. A blue silk string went into the breast pocket of his jacket, where he kept one of his father's black-rimmed monocles.

Jadon had perfect sight, he always kept the monocle on himself as a memento to never forget about his father and never forgive his murderer.

"Please, if you were to list all the titles I got, a single phrase would take hours and our conversations would last days." Lith said with a chuckle. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'll call you Jadon as long as you call me Lith"

"Well, Lith, then I have to inform you that the reason I called you is that your presence is gracefully required in Lutia at your earliest convenience." Jadon replied with mock deference and a formal tone worthy of the Royal Court.

"You mean right now?"

"No, the next year on this very same day." The Count replied with a snort. "Of course right now. I'm waiting for you in the main square. Count Jadon Lark out."

"Wait, are you already there?" Lith's question fell on a hung-up call. "That was weird. What do you think, Solus?"

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"That we shouldn't make Jadon wait." She replied. "He's an old friend and he has never bothered us without a good reason. Please, make sure to include me in whatever conversation you two have."

"Will do." Lith knew that even though Solus knew Jadon for as long as Lith did, to the Count she was a complete stranger and that pained her greatly.

Whenever they visited the Lark estate and stopped by Trequill's tomb, she was never allowed to share her memories of the late Count which exacerbated her sense of loss.

Before leaving the tower, Lith checked his amulet to make sure that he hadn't missed any calls or received any messages.

Every time he thought of Lark's death, he felt the need to make sure that the important people in his life were okay.

Only after he checked with Kamila, his parents, the army, and the Council that everything was alright did he shapeshift the inside of the tower to resemble his home and activate the Warp Mirror to reach his destination in one step.

"Seriously?" Solus rolled up her eyes. "Today's is Grandma's turn. If something happens to Kami then I'm-By my Mom!"

A booming applause and stomping of feet canceled the last part of Solus' phrase while she looked around and realized they were surrounded by every citizen of Lutia she knew plus many she had never seen before.

The plaza was empty whereas the streets surrounding it, the nearby establishments, and any available public space were packed with people. The crowd extended as far as the eye could see and an excited hubbub filled the air.

Waiting for Lith in the main square there were Jadon and Kelya Lark, the late Count's heirs, Marchioness Brinja Distar and her husband Ainz, the Headmaster of the Black Griffon academy, the Verhen family in full force, including the Proudhammers, Kamila, and the Royals who were accompanied by four Royal Guards wearing a Royal Fortress armor.

Surprise brought many words to Lith's lips, most of them vulgar and meant to express his abject surprise for being ambushed like that.

Yet according to the books in Soluspedia, never before in the annals of the Griffon Kingdom had the Royal family honored the Lustria County with their presence, let alone a backwater place like Lutia.

Tve met Meron and Sylpha enough times to be sick of their faces but for everyone else, this is some kind of miracle. I can tell just by looking at Zekell's eyes that he's as excited as if the gods have descended among us.

"If even someone as jaded as him is so thrilled, I can't imagine what the rest of Lutia is feeling. I have many questions, but it's better to ask them in a way that won't spoil the mood.'Lith thought.

He dropped to one knee, followed by Solus and everyone else.

The citizens of Lutia had already paid their homage to the Royals upon laying their eyes on the King and Queen for the first time, but they found it unacceptable to be standing while their Supreme Magus knelt.

"Stand up, everyone. There's no need for formalities between friends." King Meron's voice echoed throughout the place without the need for any magical enhancement now that his body had fully adapted to the cracks in his life force.

"Also, and keep this between us, the Royal Chamberlain has yet to figure out Magus Verhen's social status and it's unclear who should bow to who in such circumstances." Yet the people of Lutia waited for Lith to stand up before doing the same.

The laughter at the King's joke continued until he raised his hand, asking for silence.

"I suppose you have many questions, Magus Verben. About our presence in your village. this crowd, and the surprise party, correct?" Sylpha asked while pointing at flying mages that were setting up garlands, decorations, and banners all around the city.

"Yes." Lith noticed that right behind the Royals, there was a majestic building entirely made of stone that stuck out like a sore thumb among the wooden edifices surrounding it.

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The front of the building had been covered by a huge drape connected to a rope that was being held by Jadon.

"The answer to all of your questions is that we are proud to announce the beginning of phase one of your Tablets project, one of your contributions to the Kingdom that earned you the Magus title!" The King said, triggering another booming applause that forced Lith to shield his ears with air magic.

It makes sense."Lith thought. During the last meeting, the Royals decided that only the capitals of the various regions, the six great academies, and Lutia would be provided with Tablets until their usefulness is proven.

It explains everything but the presence of the Royals and the enthusiasm of the Lutians. It would if they had any idea how having a smartphone can change their lives, but none of them has ever tried a communication amulet."

Yeah. I also don't understand the need for all of these theatrics. Solus replied. They could have just sent you a message. I don't see why this requires your presence."

"Yet for the Tablets to work, a mainframe has to be built in Lutia." The Queen continued from where Meron had left, without breaking the rhythm of the speech. "Only the Mage Association has the right to supervise such a marvel of magic and make sure it's not tampered with or abused.

"Alas, there's no branch of the Association in Lutia. That's why in the past few months we had one built here and today, the King and I came to officiate its opening."

Lith's eyes went wide at the realization of what was happening. No one cared about a local branch of the Association since it was no charity. Every service a mage would provide had to be paid for.

What everyone was cheering for was what the mere presence of the Association implied.

2600 Let's do the Warp Gate Again (Part 2)

"There will be a need for plenty of materials, Forgemasters, and Wardens in the near future and there's no point in burdening your personal Gate and having your private property invaded on a daily basis."

"Hence we have ruled that the Association will have its own Warp Gate and its use will also be available to the public according to the laws of the Kingdom." Meron said. "As of today, Lutia is granted a Warp Gate."

"As of today, Lutia is promoted to the status of medium-sized city and hub of the Kingdom!" The ensuing roar and the stamping of feet made the air tremble.

It was a colossal achievement for a settlement that until less than eight years ago had been a small-sized village comprised of a few dozen of houses. There were plenty of cities that had reached the medium-sized status for decades and still petitioned for a Warp Gate.

Receiving one wasn't a matter of a city's size or population, only of its strategic importance.

Everything else would come by itself in a domino effect. A Gate meant free trade with the rest of the Kingdom without the risks and costs of long-distance travel, bringing flocks of merchants and goods.

It meant a considerable increase in public security, since the presence of the Association implied powerful mages residing nearby 24/7 that could summon reinforcements at a moment's notice.

Money and safety naturally brought an influx of people that swelled the citizens' numbers and with them came the urban development necessary to house them. Any place with a Gate would always rise to be at least a medium-sized city due to the wealth and work its presence created.

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"We did it, Dad." Senton was crying with joy. embracing the members of his family in turns, starting from Zekell. "We won't need to travel to Derios anymore to move our merchandise. We can even apply to the merchant guild now."

"Our days as blacksmiths are over." Zekell was crying as well, and for once it was for real. "We are going to become a proper merchant family, just a step below nobility, and we did it on our own.

"I'm proud of you, son. If not for you, I would've never thought of expanding our business to Derios in the past. It's only thanks to you that we already have multiple shops Instead of standing on the starting line like everyone else."

"No, it's only thanks to you, Dad. I've let my pride blind me for too long. If it wasn't for you, I'd have let our business stagnate and destroyed my own marriage." Senton let go of his father and embraced the completely oblivious triplets who cried but not out of joy.

Being less than two years old they didn't like crowds and noise. Until that moment, they had quietly slept in their patented Hush Levitating Verhen Stroller and they didn't take well their afternoon nap being interrupted.

Senton ignored their complaints, kissing them all on the forehead before moving to Leria and Rena.

"Congratulations, Dad!" The little girl brimmed with pride and joy for her father while extending her arms to be lifted between his arms like when she was much smaller and lighter. "Once I become a mage, I want to work together with you.

"I want to make you proud."

"I'm already proud of you, pumpkin. It doesn't matter if you want to become a mage, a merchant, or a blacksmith. You'll always be my little girl Senton felt like an idiot as he remembered how he had almost let his envy toward his own daughter break his family.

"Congratulations, dear." Rena embraced both him and Leria, the sweetness of her expression also bearing a hint of sadness. "We are going to miss you."

"What do you mean, miss me?" Senton froze in horror, fearing that he was about to pay the price of his past foolishness.

"Expanding the business and taking part in the merchant guild will take time." Rena replied with a puzzled look on her face. "You are going to stay away from home often and we are going to miss you. Why? What did you think I was talking about?"

His expression relaxed just for one second. Then, Senton realized that she was right. He was going to miss lots of family lunches and dinners along with many of the triplet's first times. Suddenly the Gate didn't sound like good news anymore.

"Now, to move on to the next step of the ceremony and allow Magus Verhen to go back to his work, it's time to unveil Lutia's branch of the Association." A wave of the Queen's hand brought the end of the rope into Brinja's, Lith's, the Royals, and lastly into the hands of a citizen picked at random.

"This building is the fruit of the labor of many people and today we celebrate them all. The Kingdom is nothing without its citizens and they stand even above the King." Meron said to explain the order in the line.

First, the local ruler, then the regional ruler, followed by the Supreme Magus, the Royals, and then a simple farmer who blushed in embarrassment, feeling faint for being at the center of the attention.

"On three. One, two, three!" The drape covering the stone building fell off easily and the floating mages tossed flower petals while the crowd applauded. "From tomorrow onwards, every citizen of Lutia can go to the Association and pick their own Tablet.

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"Each family can have one for free. If you want more you have to pay for them. But enough talk of money, Let the celebrations begin!" Floating tables came down from the sky, dropping food and beverages among the crowd.

The moment the bowls and jugs were empty, they were filled again with dimensional magic. Due to the famine, food was precious so guards and mages ensured that no one could take away more than their two hands could handle.

Once the Verhens were done congratulating Senton and Zekell they moved on to Lith.

"Congratulations, babe." Kamila embraced him first. "You deserve this. Let's just hope that the church of the All-Father doesn't share the Proudhammer's success or we're going to move to the Verhen Mansion permanently if we want some privacy."

"Wait, you knew?" Lith asked.

"Not until five minutes ago when the Royals summed me here as well." She shook her head. "I still feel overwhelmed. This is a huge change. Maybe we'll really need to have our dream house built somewhere."

"Congratulations, dear." Elina came second and only to not interfere in her son's marriage. She was ready to fight the Queen if necessary. "I'm proud of you and a little offended. Why didn't you give us one of these earlier?

"It would have made our lives much easier." The Verhens had already received their own Tablet and even though they already had individual communication amulets, the access to the Web of Knowledge and the public library was still a novelty.

Elina now only needed to input a keyword to find information about anything she wanted and even though the public library held mostly classics, it allowed her to read anywhere and bookmark pages without having to take an actual book in and out of her dimensional amulet.

2601 A Page in History (Part 1)

"Because the prototype mainframe I built served solely to showcase the potential of the Tablets. I don't have the time and energy to set up the real thing, especially for the benefit of just a handful of people." Lith replied.

"Especially when the Royals were working on it already."

"Congratulations, son." Raaz hugged him just the time for a couple of pats on the shoulder. "I'm not big on reading like your mother, but I can already tell you that you are going to have lots of fans."

He pointed out at Aran, Leria, and the few kids that had already gotten their Tablets and were engrossed in reading The Basics of Magic by Lochra Silverwing.

"Lots of haters too." Lith replied. "I can already hear mobs of angry parents cursing my name after their children have practiced magic indoors with predictable consequences."

"Those curses will turn into blessings once they realize their kids' talent. Remember that people like me can barely light a match. To make as much damage as Aran, one must have his same predisposition for magic."

"Dad!" Aran turned to a shade of purple, still ashamed of his past lack of control and discipline. "Please, don't turn me into a cautionary tale."

"You and Leria turned yourself into a cautionary tale, young man. You didn't need any help." Raaz ruffled his hair. "By the way, I'm going to buy out of my pocket a second Tablet for all of my farmhands.

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"This way grown-ups and kids won't have to share. On top of that, finding their children will be much easier since they will be just a call away."

After the Verhens came the Larks, then the Distars, and lastly the Royals.

Solus felt left out since outside of the family no one knew of her involvement in the development of the Tablets nor considered her a full member of the Verhen bloodline.

Elina and the others would have to wait until they went back home to congratulate her in order to avoid arousing questions they couldn't answer.

"Congratulations, Lith." Solus said while extending her hand.

The happiness in her voice was tainted by the sadness caused by the realization that even now that she had gotten her human body back, she was still a spectator forced to watch from the sidelines.

"Come here." Lith pushed the hand away, enveloping her in an embrace like the ones he had received a moment ago.

'Congratulation, Solus.' He said via a mind link.

'Thank you for everything you have done.' Kamila appeared as well, hugging her from behind. 'Even though people might never know, you've made the Kingdom a better place.'

'Congratulations, dear.' Raaz and Elina joined them in the mind link.

'Congratulations, Auntie.' Aran and Leria wrapped her in a telepathic embrace.

'Thank you, Solus.' Senton and Rena said. 'Thank you for always taking good care of our family.'

'Way to go, Solus.' Tista said. 'Stand tall and demand from Lith your fair share of his income. Don't trust that cheapskate.'

'Thank you, guys.' Solus inwardly and externally sniffled.

Even if the rest of Mogar might never be aware of her efforts and achievements, her whole world knew. Their recognition meant more to her than any parade and their gratitude was the only thing that mattered.


Saying that the release of the Tablets caused big changes in everyday life wherever they were available was a huge understatement.

Until that moment, communication amulets had been luxury items that only wealthy families could afford and only nobles owned one per family member. Tablets had a much shorter range and only worked in proximity of a mainframe but they cost one silver coin instead of ten.

Their actual value amounted to two silver coins apiece but the Royals had decided to follow Lith's advice and sell them at loss to collect as much data as possible during the first phase when they still had a capillary control over the experiment.

The students of the six great academies received their personal Tablets for free along with their uniforms and it deeply affected their academic life. The amulet not only worked just like a Ballot, allowing a student to call for help and record threats or hazing, but it also incentivized anonymous complaints.

Those who witnessed acts of bullying just had to take a picture of the event and forward it to the mainframe instead of a member of the academy staff to nail the culprits without getting personally involved in the matter.

On top of that, students would now receive their tomes during the lesson in a digital form so that those who couldn't afford a dimensional amulet weren't recognized anymore simply because they carried their books around by hand or in a bag.

The academy's library was available from the Tablets so there was no need to compete for the rarest tomes and there was no waiting line to borrow them next like before.

Librarians were still necessary to regulate access to books whose contents were deemed controversial or unsafe for mages of insufficient skill. As for the libraries, they were now a safe space where to study or search for detailed explanations about difficult subjects like dimensional magic.

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The amulets also worked in the academies' forests, helping the groups of students to coordinate during exams or requesting help when they faced a human, beast, or plant above their level.

The only complaint that Lith and the Royals received from the vast majority of the students was that taking notes with a Tablet was too inefficient compared with water magic.

The digital pad was perfect for those who had yet to master chore magic and learn how to spread the ink according to their will, but the moment a student reached that level, even the fastest typer lagged behind the rest of the class.

On top of that, whenever a class required them to draw a magic circle or to write down runes, the Tablet was useless. There was no drawing software and there were too many runes to add them to the keyboard without making it several meters wide or long.

Lith received lots of suggestions about devising a Forgemastering spell that would connect the user with the Tablet so that their thoughts would be printed on the digital pages as it happened on a physical one with water magic.

"Ungrateful brats! Do they even know the meaning of the word prototype?" Lith grumbled during breakfast in his dream house, after moving the tower away from Lutia and onto the geyser in the Rekar mountain range.

"Also, what kind of moron would ask for something as complex as a neural interface and pass it as an easy spell? Do they really believe no one ever thought about that before?

"That their seniors are just a bunch of lazy bums? I'm one of the few people on Mogar who can craft memory crystals and I'm nowhere near something like that! Back in my day, I accepted free stuff without looking the gifted horse in the mouth.

"Solus and I had to go back and forth to that goddamn library so many times that I lost count. Our friends risked their lives because there weren't enough Ballots."

Chapter 2602 A Page In History (Part 2)

"These runts have everything we could only dream about and some more yet they whine like I stole their lunch money!" Lith snarled.

"Back in my day? Brats? Runts?" Kamila laughed her ass off. "You talk like you are an old coot like Rudd whereas you graduated less than six years ago."

"Also, don't believe a word he says, Kami." Solus shared her hilarity and then some. "He used to complain about everything and if the old Lith had access to a Tablet, he would curse its inventor and scheme until he got his hands on physical books to keep cheating his way with Soluspedia."

"Damn right, I would. Cheating is fine as long as I'm the one doing it." Lith said with a straight face, making them laugh harder. "I hate fair fights."

They had been forced to leave Lutia for a while because of the massive influx of tourists since the opening of the public Warp Gate.

Even those who until a day ago had sworn to be terrified at the idea of a Divine Beast living among humans had booked their trip to visit the birthplace of the only (known) living Magus of the Kingdom with the hope of meeting him in person.

As for the regional capitals, Tablets had spread like wildfire down to the working middle class. It helped kids with their homework, the parents to always know where their children were and with who, and the city guards to catch criminals like they were fish in a barrel.

Anyone with a Tablet could call for help with a button and the mainframe would relay the call to the nearest officer along with the coordinates of the crime. Witnesses could take photos and videos that could be forwarded anonymously just like at the academies.

Most of the senior citizens in the poor neighborhoods with nothing to do all day and a chip on their shoulders were gold mines, reporting multiple crimes and minor infractions daily.

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"We are going to call this the 'Respect your Elders' or 'Second Life' program." King Meron said. "Make up a plausible reason to give one Tablet for free to each senior citizen. We need to pass them as a personal reward like a tax refund.

"They must perceive the Tablet as something they earned, not charity, or many elders will refuse them out of pride. Also, we must make sure that they keep it instead of reselling it so force them to imprint the Tablet upon delivery in front of the clerk.

"We are saving a fortune in crime prevention."

The anonymous reports weren't anonymous at all. The Royals had administrator access to the mainframes and could trace the energy signature of every report to a specific amulet.

They used them to locate the pockets of crime and increase security in those areas, to issue protective details for the scared but still honest citizens, and to frame those who used the anonymous reports to frame their competition.

Even criminals liked and used Tablets, not knowing that every word they spoke was recorded and that the device allowed their position to be followed in real time with pinpoint accuracy.

Following criminals and collecting evidence of their crimes wasn't a problem anymore, the issue was to have them sentenced without revealing the source of that information.

The free Tablet and its public library helped poor families to learn and practice how to read, write, and count. Paper was expensive and most of them would never hold a single sheet their whole lives but now they had dozens of tomes at their fingertips.

Those who were smart enough could reveal their talent no matter their upbringing, amassing knowledge if they were talented scholars and learning magic if their mana cores allowed it.

The Tablets also facilitated and improved healthcare.

Neighborhood healers now answered a couple of calls between patients, answering simple yes or no questions. It allowed them to recommend a check-up when the symptoms were alarming but most often to reassure anxious parents without them clogging the waiting rooms.

On top of that, many magicos without the necessary talent to become Healers found a way to profit from their limited mana thanks to the Tablets. Whenever someone was too ill to be moved or there was an emergency, the magicos would be called on site to help.

Even yellow mana cores could cast float spells, basic diagnostic magic, and keep the conditions of a patient stable, helping them to reach the nearest Healer quickly and safely.

So many people were saved this way that the Royals made it an official job and offered healing training to those determined to take it as their profession.

Better diagnostic spells meant that the magicos could call the various Healers, give them a preliminary diagnosis, and find the one with the necessary skills to treat the patient at hand without wasting time.

Also, teaching the magicos low powered flight spells made them faster than any carriage, allowing the patients to reach a hospital in time.

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Last, but not least, the Tablets helped the mending process between the two sides of the Kingdom that had been split by the War of the Griffons to progress faster. Each considered the other's grass to be greener, fueling envy and resentment.

The news on the interlink was only government approved so everyone took them with an unhealthy load of salt, believing them to be doctored to arouse compassion toward their old enemy.

Tablets, however, allowed the citizens of different regions to keep in contact even from a great distance and those who exchanged their runes with others in different regions didn't find privileged individuals with a full belly, just people with their own grievances.

The use of Warp Gates required a fee, but to let their subjects experience and enjoy the full scope of the Tablets' functions, the Royals had ruled that the first travel from one Gate to another would be free in order to allow people to exchange their communication runes.

Also, people who sent food supplies to someone with which they shared a rune wouldn't pay shipping fees as long as the receiver took them in person from the other side of the Gate.

The reason for this was that every region had a different kind of local product that was cheap and easy to find that they used to stave off hunger between meals. They were all bland looking and even blander tasting, but eating food from different regions added variety and had the allure of novelty.

This kind of bartering was a zero-sum game that yet made people feel closer and more grateful toward their neighbors. Taking a spoonful from each other's soup was more effective in breaking the illusion of wealth that people projected on the other half of the Kingdom than any article they could read on the interlink.

Free traveling broadened everyone's horizons and keeping in contact with those they met hundreds of kilometers from home helped them to keep an open mind and check the news with people they trusted.

On a side note, the opening of the Gates coupled with the Tablets gave birth to the closest thing to a kitchen blog.

Chapter 2603 A Page In History (Part 3)

Lith's biography was public and everyone knew he had grown up in poverty and with little food, making his early life a constant famine no different from the one that Garlen was currently experiencing.

Mothers from all over the Kingdom traveled to Lutia in order to ask Elina to share her communication rune with them and teach them how she had managed to grow her children into powerful mages despite the little they had.

At first, she had considered it a minor inconvenience and exchanged her rune, thinking that there was nothing wrong in helping someone in whose shoes she had walked many miles.

After the Royals granted free first-time travel to Lutia's Gate, however, her Tablet was covered in so many runes that the silver beneath them had become nigh-invisible.

Due to time zones and to not be bothered at all times, Elina had disabled the calls and left only messages available. She would record a cooking lesson or type down a recipe and then forward it to everyone so that they could access it at their convenience.

"I can't believe I'm kind of famous." Elina said while looking at her own Tablet and the hundreds of still-unread messages.

"I can't believe you're not getting paid for this." Lith replied. "You are investing your time and energy into those cooking lessons and for what? A few thank yous?"

"How can you say that?" She was flabbergasted. "If I can give those people a little hope during these difficult times then gratitude is reward enough. Besides, it's not like I have much to do while you guys aren't home.

"Saying a few things while I cook for my family is hardly a grueling task."

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"I'm sorry, dear, but I'm with Lith on this one." Raaz grunted. "I don't like that any weirdo can get your contact rune nor that you are working for free. I think that you should do like Senton and find a way to profit from your talent."

"And how should I do it, exactly?" She asked.

"Write a cookbook?" Raaz shrugged.

Senton had exploited the Tablets and the free Gate travels to invent advertising. He paid the Mage Association a discrete sum to put an ad banner of the Proudhammer shops and their most famous products on the first page of the local news.

The communications amulets allowed people from every corner of the Kingdom to discover the shops' existence so that when they visited Lutia, Derios, or any city where Senton had opened a retail branch, they would pay it a visit.

Tablets helped the game of chess to become more widespread since now it was possible to play with people from different regions. Distant players would share the chessboard thanks to the holograms and, in case the game was interrupted, a picture would record the position of all pieces.

"Paper is expensive and if those women could afford to buy a book, they would use that money to put more food on their table!" Elina replied.

"I get it, stop arguing you two." Lith stood between them. "I'll talk with the Royals about purchasing your book and putting it into the free library, Mom. This way, you can keep helping people but you'll be compensated for your work. Okay?"

Both his parents nodded, making him sigh in relief.


A month later, Lustria County, Verhen Mansion.

It had taken a lot of time, two pairs of Eyes of Menadion, the combined effects of the Armory and the Sage Staff, and many heads working together, seven of which belonging to Faluel, but in the end, Glemos' code had been cracked.

The original tomes written by the past Magi and Rulers of the Flames were already a priceless addition to the Ernas library, but once the Tyrant's bloodline legacy began to unravel, it turned out to be a gold mine for Jirni and Orion.

The books meant to teach true magic to young Tyrants before and after becoming Awakened helped both the Ernas with their respective magical education.

Vastor went to their home as often as he could and whenever he wasn't available, he sent his hybrids to teach Jirni true magic. They would all go visit the Erans under the guise of Healers tasked to follow her pregnancy, yet they could dedicate her only so much time.

Vastor was a leading figure at the White Griffon academy, its vice principal, and the Head of the Light Department. In addition to this, he was also the Arch Duke of the newly promoted region of Essagor.

Between the new Gates he was allowed to build and supervising the effects of the Tablets on the population of the capital, he had so little free time that no one would ever believe that he was also the infamous Master.

Every medium-sized city in the region believed to deserve the Gate and the boom of the Tablets made the matter even more relevant.

Free travels meant more money left to spend during the visits and many merchants were copying Senton's idea and using the Gates to open retail shops in the cities where their merchandise was more sought after.

They still had to pay shipping fees but doing it in bulk instead of piece by piece allowed them to save lots of money and improve their bottom line.

Vastor was absent for so long and so often that the Organization would have been disbanded if not for the new influx of Eldritch-monster hybrids making up for the absence of the Master, Bytra, and Zoreth.

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The Shadow Dragon spent her time either escorting the Fourth Ruler of the Flames during Council duty or with Kamila. Zoreth was always glad to help build a new model of a crib, choose a color for the nursery, and install high-powered mana-fuelled plasma cannons.

Bytra had created them almost for fun, to be used as self-defense weapons by Zinya and her kids due to their lack of magical powers.

Tezka was offended by her allegation that he might let even a fly pass through him undetected, but he also liked anything that could punch a hole through solid steel with a flick of a trigger.

"Are these things really necessary?" Kamila asked while Zoreth taught her how to activate the many weapons she had disguised as toys and placed throughout the room. "After all, a Guardian is always following Elysia. She's going to be safe even after she's born."

"I know." The Shadow Dragon nodded. "These aren't for her but for you. The protection of the Guardians extends to you only while you carry the baby so unless you plan to have two kids back to back, you need to be prepared.

"Awakened or not, you are as weak as a child. If Meln or any of Lith's enemies wants to hurt him, you make the perfect target."

Kamila swallowed a lump of saliva and said no more.

As for Bytra, she was working half the time on the Harmonizers and the other half cramming Body Sculpting. She hoped to master the collars' Forgemastering process while also stealing as much knowledge as she could from Faluel's side of the work.

'I don't care what the Council says or wants. We deserve the Harmonizers. No, we need them for our survival!' She thought.

Chapter 2604 A Page In History (Part 4)

Faluel didn't trust the Eldritches enough to share with them the knowledge she gained from the secret Tyrant's bloodline legacy, but she could use it along with her expertise as a skilled Forgemaster to give tips and hints to Bytra.

'I hate to admit it, but even with my mother's help grasping the technology devised by generations of Tyrants on our own would take too long.' The Hydra thought. 'If I can't get to have the Harmonizers mass-produced by the time the situation in Jiera stabilizes, the monsters and the Council will go to war.

'On top of that, I need the resources of the Council to Forgemaster enough Harmonizers for everyone. Without its help, I would end up squandering my own bloodline legacy.'

Truth be told, Fyrwal had agreed to help her daughter only because her studies on Ufyl's life force had come to a dead end. He was the only Hydra to have ever evolved into a Dragon, even though only thanks to the Ambrosia and Thrud's Madness.

Faluel's mother wasn't as desperate as Glemos about becoming a Divine Beast but her curiosity was piqued and the Harmonizer might turn out to be the solution to her problem.

"While everyone else will stumble and fall in the search of a way to further their evolution, we will progress smoothly." Fyrwal said. "Ufyl's life force is the perfect mold for our endeavor.

"He's not like the Balors who evolved millennia ago, fell, and then artificially evolved into Fomors. Ufyl was a Hydra until less than a year ago and Forbidden Magic unlocked the path that our species is supposed to follow.

"Unlike the Tyrant's bloodline who forged new species by force, Thrud simply unlocked our potential and Ufyl's life force is stable. We just need to devise a Body Sculpting spell that changes our nature into that of Seven Headed Dragons and then study how the Harmonizer enforces the process.

"Once every Hydra knows the starting point and their destination, success will be just a matter of time."

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Faluel was scared at the idea that changing her life force so drastically might also alter her personality, but the prospect of gaining Origin Flames and Dragon Eyes like Ufyl was just too tempting.

Yet all of this had happened in the time after the discovery of Zelex and before Quylla's marriage. Now that everyone had come to the Verhen Mansion to attend, they each focused on the future.

"I can't believe that the time has come for our Little One to spread her wings and leave the nest." Orion sighed like a bellows. "Seven years ago, Quylla was just a nameless orphan that you tricked into adoption."

Jirni looked at her husband's eyes, noticing there was no rebuke for her manipulations.

"Then came Balkor, Nalear forced Quylla to kill Yurial, and that poor girl went through a lot to find her way in life. Yet she did it and we with her."

"I only wish our Little Flower was here with us today." Jirni turned toward the padded chair at her left, where a replica of Reaver and the golden lily pendant sat.

It had been Quylla's desire to have the mementos of her late sister there, to have Phloria share that moment with her, at least in spirit. Not a day went by without the Ernas thinking about her, wondering what they could have done differently to bring her back home alive.

"Me too." Orion cleared his throat from a sudden huskiness. "What are you going to do now?"

"Once Quylla goes on her honeymoon, I'm going back to work." Jirni stared at a few seats of distance where the Verhens were. "I'm done grieving our daughter. My mana core is stuck at the bright orange and there's no point studying spells I can't practice but I can still learn a few things by following Kamila around.

"She's where I'm going to be in a while and if I learn from her mistakes, I can aim straight for the green core. At that point, once I wear the Myrok's Royal Fortress armor, I'll have the strength to hunt down our enemies. Like Meln."

Orion nodded but said nothing. He had yet to master fusion magic of all elements due to the fact that he had already gone back to work, his age, and his overloaded core.

Having a natural bright violet made him peerless among the fake mages but also made his Awakening highly unlikely. He could train only under the supervision of the Master or one of his associates who would make sure that the impurities in his body wouldn't reach his core.

"I got to go. Our Little One needs me." Orion looked at the blinking rune on his amulet and walked out of the room.

"Gods, I'm so excited for Quylla." Solus said, a bit envious of Friya for being the maid of honor and a little angry with Morok for choosing Ajatar as his best man. "Let's hope that nothing goes wrong."

She turned to the groom's side of the room which was depressingly empty aside from Aalejah Eventide, the members of Zelex's senate, and their children. Faluel was on the bride's side and so was Lith and the rest of his family.

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The elf had shapeshifted like everyone else into an acceptable human form. She had agreed on taking part in the ceremony because she had never attended a human marriage and to make sure that the monsters in disguise didn't get caught.

"With us and Aalejah here is unlikely." Lith couldn't care less about who the best man was. He and the Tyrant had never graduated from acquaintances. "Besides, Morok's reputation precedes him.

"Even if his guests drink straight from a bowl or eat with their bare hands nobody will bat an eye."

His eye fell on Phloria's chair, bringing him a deep feeling of loss and failure. Even though Phloria had absolved him of her death and he knew that her fate had been sealed from the moment of her capture, Lith still felt responsible.

The golden lily pendant shone under the magical lights like an unblinking eye, silently accusing him of killing his first true human friend with his own hands. While looking at his own reflection, the precious memories of the time they had spent together flashed in front of his eyes.

Then, it came the War of the Griffons, the lives he had taken to lure Phloria in the open, and lastly, the figure of her limp body impaled through the chest by his right arm.

Lith froze as the white of his Supreme Magus robe turned crimson and War's desperate wails echoed through his head. The angry blade was stored in his pocket dimension but he could almost feel its familiar weight in his hand.

As the room turned pitch black and guilt became unbearable, a familiar hand wrapped in light dragged him back to the present.

"It's not your fault. Do you hear me?" Solus said after grabbing his face and turning it toward her. "Wishing she never met you is like saying you wanted her to die at Balkor's hand. Phloria didn't take part in the War of the Griffons for you."

Chapter 2605 Gift Exchange (Part 1)

"Phloria put her life on the line for her family, her duty, and because she loved the Kingdom. Even if you never returned from the Desert, Reaver and her Blade Tier spell made her too big a threat to leave her alone." Solus said.

"Thrud would have kidnapped and killed Phloria anyway. The only differences would be that now the Mad Queen would be sitting on the throne and, thanks to the mass-produced Reaver, the other countries would be under siege in a losing battle."

"How do you-"

"I know because I'm in here so often that I've built my summer home." Solus patted on his heart. "Don't look at the pendant. We are not here for Phloria. Today we are here for Quylla. Look at our friend and if you can't, look at Kami or me."

Lith scratched his head in embarrassment, finding himself covered in a cold sweat.

"I knew that taking out that pendant was a bad idea." Kamila held his hand, caressing it with her thumb. "Too bad that the front row is for family members only. If we sat in front of Jirni and Orion, this could have been avoided."

"It's not their fault. I should-"

"No matter what the idiots out there say, you are still human. So yeah, it's their fault. You already lent them your Mansion for their daughter's wedding and are hosting Ryla. The least they could do was to avoid putting you into this position."

Kamila snarled, putting his hand on her womb where Elysia kicked in agreement. Actually, they still had no idea if the baby understood their language. The "one kick for yes, two kicks for no" was just an inside joke between them.

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An inside joke with an unsettling accurate record.

The double doors opened, letting the couples in.

Quylla walked arm in arm with Orion as he walked her to the altar while Ryla the Fomor acted in place of Morok's mother. He had tried to write her a letter in which he explained everything and invited her to the wedding, but she had never replied.

Ajatar had stood in the shadows, watching the human woman burn the letter without even opening it the moment she had read Morok's name. For a moment, the Drake had hated her. He had gone this close to barge in her house and force her to listen to him.

To tell her that Morok was a victim as much as she was and that he was blameless. That Glemos had already paid with his life and he couldn't hurt her any longer. Yet Ajatar had never moved from his hiding spot, waiting until he had recovered his cool.

'No matter what I said, I couldn't change the past.' He thought while looking at Garrik walking in front of the couples. 'Forcing her to come here would have ruined this moment for everyone and added another scar in her heart.'

Morok's half-brother was shapeshifted into a tall seven years old boy to not alter his height too much. In his human form, he bore a striking resemblance with Morok, sharing his brown hair and eyes.

Garrik acted as a flower boy, throwing red and pink roses petals in his wake.

Ryla had been shapeshifted into a woman in her early forties with dark hair and chestnut eyes. Even though she had been made shorter than Morok and her features smoothed to a less preternatural beauty, the unanimous consent among the human guests was that the former Ranger had to be adopted.

The Fomors moved with lithe grace, their high collared clothes hiding the presence of the Harmonizers, whereas even after plenty of rehearsals Morok was as stiff as a walking stick.

'We should have shapeshifted you shorter as well, Dad.' Quylla pouted, barely hanging from his arm despite the high heels and feeling like a sloth clinging to the high branch of a tree.

'I can always carry you on my shoulders if you prefer.' Orion replied with a warm smile, flooding her mind with the memories of all the father-daughter activities they had shared after her adoption.

Back then she was already twelve years old but being an orphan, she had gladly taken part in silly things suitable for someone much younger like playing horse.

'Not a chance.' She chuckled, smiling from the deep of her heart at those images.

After being adopted by the Ernas, her life had changed in ways she had never imagined. Many good and bad things had happened to her, many of which she had suffered due to the name she now carried.

Yet overall, Quylla considered her life a blessed one, filled with more happiness than sorrow. The only sour note that tainted the recollection of her life while she walked among the people she loved was the absence of her sister.

'I "died" because of Deirus' plot but Mom managed to save me. We all have gone through thick and thin, fighting deadly battles against old and terrible monsters yet we always survived.

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'It took a war to split us.' Quylla's heart bled at the sight of the golden lily pendant and to hide her sorrow she clenched Orion's arm so much that it hurt. 'Maybe it was wrong of me to ask to have Phloria's mementos brought to the ceremony.

'I know how much pain their mere presence must bring to my friends and family because I feel it too. My heart still refuses to accept that Phloria is really dead. That I'll never hear her laugh or cry again.

'Yet I refuse to forget about her, to pretend that she never existed just to hide from the pain that her memory evokes. She has been an important part of my life and she still is. Even if she's not here anymore, Phloria is my sister.

'She was with me while I was at my best and my worst. She was there for me after I killed Yurial, when I didn't know what to do with my life, or simply when I needed someone to listen to my inner demons.

'I refuse to abandon her on the day of my wedding. I want her to be with me, with us. I want to face my pain until I'm capable of looking past it and remember only the good things we shared as friends first and sisters later.

'Phloria's death is a tragedy, but her life was a blessing to us all. Every day we spent together was priceless and I want everyone to realize that the only reason her absence hurts us so much is because of how special she was and how much we love her.'

Quylla noticed how pale Lith was, his blank stare fixed on the empty seat. When Solus snapped him out of it, Quylla replied to Kamila's reproachful glare with an apologetic nod, but she didn't stop nor did she regret her choice.

The couple was left in front of King Meron, who was going to officiate the ceremony. The Royal Family always took care personally of marriages between important members of society and the Ernas were one of the four founding pillars of the Kingdom.

On top of that, most of the members of the Ernas family and their friends were heroes of the War of the Griffons.

Chapter 2606 Gift Exchange (Part 2)

Without any impending crisis or urgent affairs demanding his attention, Meron had decided not to delegate the task to one of his children as it had happened for Vastor's wedding.

Friya stood at the King's right, dressed in a simple cream-colored day dress with no neckline and a hoop skirt to not outshine the bride during her special day. Her long hair was held up in a do that gave her features a sharp look and made her eyes look cold.

Ajatar stood at the King's left, wearing a black evening suit and wearing the appearance of an unremarkable man slightly shorter than Morok with dirty blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes, the color of his scales.

Friya looked at his parents and brothers, sitting on the first row, and felt a pang at the sight of Phloria's chair. Yet she said nothing, moving her gaze on to the second row where Nalrond was sitting.

The Rezar seemed to be even more tense than Morok and more distressed than Friya but the moment their eyes met, he put a smile on his face and waved at her in a congratulatory gesture.

"Today, we are assembled here to celebrate the union between Quylla Nimea Daphne Ernas and Morok Eari. Ranger Eari served the Kingdom for six years, longer than most of his colleagues, defending the North from the enemies lurking inside and outside our borders.

"His service has been dotted with feats that few believed possible and even fewer think they can ever be equalled." Meron avoiding to clarify whether said feats were good or bad spoke volumes about how hard it had been to find something to say about the groom without embarrassing the hosts in front of their guests.

"It was during those days that Morok and Quylla met, during the dreadful expedition that led them to Kulah and to the discovery of the horrors of the still-living Odi civilization.

"Their bond started there and grew over time. I would love to tell you that it's a love story the likes bards like to sing about but life is seldom so kind. Even after the end of the expedition, the cruelty of the Odi rippled through our lives.

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"It brought unfair trials, assassination attempts, and the betrayal of a man who sold the Kingdom he had sworn to protect to its enemies. Yet good things were born from such hardships.

"Bonds were created, loyalties tested and found flawless. It's only through hard times that we can achieve the things we cherish the most. We don't understand what we truly want until we are forced to fight to protect it.

"We fight for the living because they give meaning to our existence and when we fail, we live for the dead. Because as long as we don't forget about them, they are never truly gone.

"Because as long as we carry in our hearts the part of them that they have entrusted to us, they never truly leave our side and give us the strength to fight the good fights." Meron stared for a second at Phloria's things, giving her parents a small bow and taking a moment of silence.

"Morok's and Quylla's relationship has endured much, just like them. They have laughed, cried, and looked at their future in fear together. Yet they have also chosen to be here today and show us that they want to face it together.

"With our presence, we acknowledge their will and offer them our support. Because there's nothing that a loving couple can't achieve if they have the help of their family and friends.

"Peace and joy can't be granted, only earned. My hope is that Quylla and Morok will build such a happiness for themselves that they will be able to afford to share it with us and the rest of Mogar.

"Quylla, Morok. Pronounce your vows to each other."

Ajatar handed Morok the deep violet robe that only a Royal Decree could make a Magus'. It was wrapped with the unbreakable knot of the betrothal gifts. The Tyrant held it with care as if it could break apart.

"Quylla, I could say many things about our time in Kulah, of how we met and spoke. Yet such anecdotes would embarrass you and aren't suited for a day like today." Morok said, making her chuckle.

"What I mean to say is that all things considered, I can't believe we've got to this point. I don't know if I've ever said or done anything to deserve this happiness, the only thing I know is that I don't want to lose it.

"When I thought that Deirus had taken you away from me I discovered that your absence made my life unbearable and when you came back, I understood that I wanted to spend every moment I had left with you."

Morok handed the violet robe to her.

"This is my betrothal gift. It may look silly and without much value, like me, but it expresses my will to stand by your side and help you achieve anything you want. I have no ambition and I don't care what the destination of my is as long as you take the journey with me."

Meron's nostrils flared and his brows furrowed at the highly unorthodox gift shoved right in front of his face, but he said nothing. He was there only as a witness, not as a judge of the soundness of their union.

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Also, Jirni glared at him with an intensity that covered the King in a cold sweat.

Quylla accepted the Magus robe, taking the knot off and keeping it inside one of the pockets before wearing it.

"I could say many things about the first days of the expedition to Kulah as well, but you are right. They are unsuited for this day and bring too much pain." Quylla looked at Phloria's chair and a thin smile appeared at the memory of Morok mistaking her for a man.

"What I can say is that, despite its ups and downs, being with you has never been boring. You've made me laugh even when it was improper and when I get angry with you, it never lasts long.

"No matter how rude what you do or say is, there's never ill-will in you. When I think back at the time we spent together, even our arguments, it makes me smile because you've always been honest with me, telling me what I needed to hear instead of what I wanted to hear."

At a snap of her fingers, Lucky trotted from Orion's side to her. The big red-furred Ry wore a big black bowtie on his collar and carried a small box in his mouth.

It was unorthodox as well since it was up to the bridesmaid to carry the betrothal gift.

Quylla opened the box, revealing an ornate Orichalcum key with a violet mana stone the size of a pea on either side. It was wrapped with a betrothal knot that passed through the hole in the head so that it wouldn't mess with the lock.

"This is my betrothal gift. It's the key to the house that my parents gifted to me and that I signed over to you." She handed it to him leaving Morok and her parents flabbergasted.

Chapter 2607 Caged Beasts (Part 1)

"I know that you are a grassroots mage in the most literal sense of the word." Quylla said while looking Morok in the eyes.

"Like me, you are an orphan. You've never had a home, a family, or somewhere you belonged. You've spent your whole adult life moving from one place to another, searching for something that you know is lost forever.

"No one can give you the family or the house you never had, but I can give you my own and hope that you'll share it with me. With this key, I'm asking you to stop looking at the past and start building the future with me."

Morok's hands trembled as he accepted the key, wrapping Quylla in an embrace even though they weren't supposed to touch each other until the officiant gave them permission.

Meron rolled his eyes at the third breach of etiquette in a row, but the crowd was sniffling, caring more about the feelings of the couple rather than tradition.

"Congratulations. In the name of the Griffon Kingdom, I declare you husband and wife." The King said.

As the newlyweds kissed, the guests gave them a standing ovation and Lucky howled, quickly followed by Abominus, Slash, Tezka, and Syrah's children. The Hati Queen had been shapeshifted into a woman in her mid-thirties with silver hair the color of her regular fur and stern features.

She and Aalejah managed to stop them before anyone noticed them. Syrah inwardly thanked the gods for the presence of the much bigger and louder magical beasts that along with the roaring applause covered most of the kids' noise.

The wolf-fox-something in particular howled as loud as a full pack by himself and his voice reverberated with multiple timbres like a choir of wolven gods under a full moon.

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The members of the senate waited for the rest of the guests to be done with the congratulations before taking their turn. They didn't like mingling with humans and were afraid that somehow they could see past their disguise.

Too many among the guests had been looking at the monsters for too long than it was polite for the entire duration of the ceremony, making them feel out of place. The truth was that aside from Syrah, the rest of the group looked stunning.

Balor, Fomors, and Traughen had all been gifted by evolution with a degree of body refinement similar to Awakening. Even after changing their appearance to human with Body Sculpting, it would have taken major changes to give them average looks.

They would have preferred a plainer appearance, but between the Harmonizer and their fallen life forces, there was only so much that could be done without putting their lives at risk.

Long story short, if not for the presence of the children, many noble bachelors would have loved to know those mysterious ladies better.

"Thank you for including me in your invitation!" Aalejah hugged Morok and Quylla like they were old friends. "Your vows were moving and I filled a whole notebook with my observations about the humans' emotional response to commitment.

"It's amazing how much spite, lust, and scorn lie behind those smiling faces."

"Wait, what is behind who now?" Quylla asked.

"I'm terrible at reading human expressions so I'm basing my analysis on the conversations I've overheard." She tapped on her ears with her quill while checking her notes.

Shapeshifting had no effect on one's senses so even in their shorter, rounder form her ears still had the acuity typical of elven hearing.

"By the way, do you mind explaining to me how the betting tradition works? I personally found it pretty rude, but since everyone did it, I can only assume it's one of those customs that don't make sense unless you are part of the tribe."

"What bets?" Quylla asked to take a look at the notebook and when Aalejah turned it toward her she found the next best thing to a ledger with names, numbers, and odds about the duration of her marriage.

Annulment after the wedding night was given 1:100, with most of the bets giving the couple from a few months to a year.

"This is no tradition! This just means that my parents need better friends because as long as I draw breath these guys are not getting invited to anything anymore." The only silver lining was that no one of her friends and colleagues had taken part in it.

The names in the ledger belonged to nobles and members of the Royal Court that her parents had been forced to invite for political reasons.

Meanwhile, the house staff that the Ernas had brought along for the occasion moved the chairs out of the main hall and lined several tables along the walls that the kitchen staff set with food and beverages.

Much to the dismay of the members of Zelex's senate, their children had no problem mingling with the humans. Aran and Leria knew the truth and it took more than being a member of the fallen races to scare them.

They gave the new kids a tour of the tables and explained to them the nature of the various dishes, giving special emphasis to the sweets that everyone ate like a bunch of famished trolls.

Especially the trolls.

Lilia and Leran shamelessly sniffed the young Hati who returned the gesture, drawing several glares from the guests. Selia was still bedridden and without her, Protector didn't care much about formalities.

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"We are from the groom's side." A light of understanding shone in the nobles' eyes at Protector's words, shifting the blame from the Ernas and earning them compassion.

Filia and Frey, instead, would have found it awkward to interact with those overly attractive youths that seemed to lack any common sense and knowledge if not for Tezka's presence.

After dealing with kidnappers, thugs, and assassins on a regular basis, Zinya's children had long since learned that as long as the Fylgja didn't ask them to cover their eyes they had nothing to worry about.

After Essagor had been promoted to an Arch Duchy, Vastor had received huge amounts of gold to build new Warp Gates and cities along with sole discretion to where invest them.

The various internal factions believed that Zinya's kids were the quickest way to send him a message or blackmail the Master into doing their bidding. Unluckily for them, Vastor had no idea the problem even existed.

The Suneater rarely needed to leave behind more than one tail to deal with the hired muscle while he brought the kids back home on time. At that point, the Organization would step in via its capillary control of the underworld.

Middlemen and shell companies did little good to hide your identity when you didn't play against another criminal faction but against the house. The nobles responsible would always be found dead a few hours after the attempt on the kids.

Some died of heart attack, others left behind a suicide note, while the rest would simply suffer a tragic "accident".

"I really think that you should sell this stuff." Protector had a bowl of ice cream the size of his hand. "The kids love it and they are not the only ones."