
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnated with an Analysis system.


Cada capítulo el protagonista es más idiota... y el prota es prácticamente es obligado a volverse el jefe de la aldea a pesar de ser muy OP y todo eso tiene que demostrar ser digno de convertirse el jefe de una aldea de elfos que apenas pueden vivir :v


ok. after reading up to here... i can tell author has syntaxis, semantics and redaction issues. Does not think properly of the flow of events and likely decide on the spot what to write... its not that doing this is bad. but you dont take into consideration what you have already written. leading to inconsistencied issues. plus you withold information only you know leaving readers even more confused. you dont known how to use foreshadowing either and you seem to forget stuff and dont take precious actions and words of the protagonist making look stupid. i recommend you study grammar and study how to write a story properly. at least spend a few dozen hours in this


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


Thanks for the chap