
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto: Reborn as Haruno Kizashi

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I Have an idea what if he learns how to make a copy of a big chakra circuit using The cline jutsu don't remeber The name for It But yeah or maybe making It so he can make his bones and muscle as strong as Steel so he can extert more strenght and speed make It like a trasformation maybe he makes a cline that is ten Times stronger than him he seals It in his body and when he unseals It he become stronger so the power if his base power along with the 20x increase also if he uses kenjustsu make him use something like zanka no tachi


Was thinking something similar but all gravity manipulation stuff would be a kekkai genkai or would require seals. He wouldn't have access to these jutsu till he'a jonin at least. Currently was deciding on making him good on taijutsu and earth natured chakra. Earth natured hardening could be used as armament haki and earth shape manipulation could be used to create different weapons. Body reinforcement would come after he's jonin. That's the plan for now. Will think about sealing strength later on. Thanks for the suggestion.