
Comments of chapter undefined of First Demonic Dragon


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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Honestly in my opinion there is no need to be nervous while I'm not gonna lie, OP characters can get extremely boring and rather quickly . that is because 99% of them are honestly just "1 dimensional" . But truly my honest opinion you have fleshed all these characters out to the point i would be to sit here and read a good 20-30+ chapters of them just sitting on the couch eating potato chips and nothing else within those chapters and be perfectly content so fear not it's not being op that makes characters boring but the lack of them feeling like someone who you could actually talk to or someone you could just bump into at the store . the way you made them all feel like they had true personalities with actual flaws is one of the main reasons I came to love this story of yours so please write it exactly how you want

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Yo Author if you get time, I’d love to pick your thoughts on how Gaia will react to ever meeting Straga, since he was once Typhon. I feel like it’s a super important part as it represents his past and what he’s moving/growing from. Same with Tartarus and Nyx honestly, considering their situation with Abaddon

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My advice would be to end the novel when Abbadon becomes the supreme being overseeing the whole cosmos. His family and him living without worries and he have no equal. This would be the sweetest spot to end it. Dragging it on after that would be really tedious. As sad as i would be when it end, Every good things must come to an end. Lets hope you fulfill all your wishes before you end it so that you dont have no regret. Just my opinion, The decision will be yours ❤️

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thanks for the chapter


you're A/N fear I feel is just a bit unwarranted. the way you've written this novel it lends itself more so to the slice of life and interactions with family and friends than fighting....which is completely fine! tbh he's been op thus entire time. he just doesn't puck fights wantonly. I just can't wait till Zues tries something and Abaddon is like..."yeah no....you've been a child too long. time to grow up." and just makes him a normal mortal with no powers and has him live like that.

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I think you've been doing a great job. I think you are handling it very well. Don't be nervous and trust your story and characters you e created. Even though he can/is OP, he is very grounded, and that's the best part. Keep up the great work, but also tell them story the way you wish.


Author Will you be releasing chapters about children in another world in the first Demonic Dragon or another novel? Unfortunately I don't read blessed at night


Anatha as long as you keep those 10/10 family interactions I will never get bored of this novel! Thank you for the chapter!!!


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola