
Comments of chapter undefined of First Demonic Dragon


I would prefer it if you write what you enjoy not what you feel you must to please everyone. At the end of the day the book or story will be better off if you are having fun writing it. I just don't want to end up with a half finished book because you hate writing this story


the people who actually read your novels because they like your style like i love those simple slice of life chapters right now the most don't get me wrong the struggles are great but i think you should write what you like the most to the readers if you don't fib everything

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Bro, I love ur stories honestly & look forward to reading a new chapter every day. I should tell you I do not usually continue reading novels that only release a single chapter a day. I feel like It is better to just not read it until over 300 chapters are saved up so I can just binge it. 1 chapter usually just is not enough to get my fix of the story. However, the reason I continue with ur novels is that they are so good that I just can't wait to read more.

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It's those good vibes & goofy stuff that got me hooked. It still has that and now it has even more things that I enjoy. Your style of writing is refreshing and stays fresh even if the same joke is reused. It's the 'heart' that your characters have in your stories that have me coming back for more.


That has never been a thought. I read the story because I enjoy your style and flow. Write YOUR story that will help you keep it the way you want. I know I will continue to support you, so do it how you think it should be done.

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I like the entire story I never truly feel bored, so do what you want to do.


never force anything with your writing. it will feel hollow and make u disappointed. if we don't like it we will let u know. most of us probably in a gentle way.


I also love the slice of life chapters. I honestly hate when it's nothing but constant action and drama.


A lot of authors start to get that feeling, from GRRM (who refuses to finish SOIAF for the same reason I bet) to Webnovelist. Just write your story. Something that you like and let whatever comes of that be what it is, because doing exactly that is what got you the following in the first place.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola