
Comments of chapter undefined of The Immortal World - Ikaris

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THE IMMORTAL (THE OLD GUARD) ANDY Whilst we caught up with our resident Eternal Xavier and Sam, Mother Superion and Kauder at the bar. As Xavier estimates the strength of the Immortal Andy but Xavier mentioned himself was the strongest in the room( a hopeful facade) against the oldest living Immortal Andy when she stealthy introduced the group of Immortals at the bar. Erstwhile , the mysterious Immortal Andy made sure they she could take them on respectively against each other, which Andy wasn't coming for them. especially when the eternal Xavier was even more scared than he was letting on to Sam know in the conversation. We"ll see how it goes next time for our resident Eternals and Immortals as they're preparing a storm or war coming up soon in the future . Welcome back Author Continue on Cheers!