
Comments of chapter undefined of Infamous:Second son in Marvel


Delsin Rowe Power and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics,  Gifted Extraordinary-Genius-Intelligence (an incredibly skilled tactician and detective. Capable of figuring out weaknesses in a fight and coming up with strategies on the fly. He solved several mysteries such as a Conduit serial killer and kidnapper. He is incredibly adept in strategic combat, and has defeated several Conduits that have over seven years of experience, along with advanced, militaristic training. Is able to familiarize himself become adept at using recently acquired powers in short lengths of time. Regularly outsmarts and outmanuvers D.U.P. troops specifically trained and equipped to take down Conduits with a wide array of abilities capable of laying waste to cities on accident, even being able to infiltrate and vandalize a large D.U.P. base while taking out several soldiers completely undetected. Figured out Augustine's plan despite being only given minor details, and was able to uncover various conspiracies tied to the D.U.P. during Paper Trail and Cole’s Legacy. Can easily locate and pick out secret D.U.P. agents and spies blending in with crowds, as well as track down government agents and hack their communications during Paper Trail. Very manipulative as is shown in Evil Karma, capable of corrupting other characters such as Fetch and Eugene.), Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant,  Acrobatics (Enhanced Condition, Hypermobility, All-Terrain Mobility),  Regeneration (Mid-high with elemental powers. Able to regenerate after being shot in the chest and can reform his body after self-destructing through the use of his karmic bombs. Smoke users are stated to be able to absorb particulate matter out of the air),  Longevity,  Immortality, Enhanced Senses,  Weapon Mastery (skilled in his use of his chain and swords/claws),  Weapon Creation (can create weapons made of energy to use in combat),  Stealth Mastery (Was able to infiltrate and vandalize a large D.U.P. base and take out several soldiers completely undetected),  Energy Manipulation,  Smoke Manipulation,  Fire Manipulation,  Summoning (Can summon angels and demons to aid him in combat),  Invisibility,  Flight,  Telekinesis,  Power Mimicry (Can absorb and copy the powers of people with the Conduit gene),  Healing,  Statistics Amplification (Many of his powers such as his Strength of Granite can amplify his strength and durability),  Rage Power (Gains power when fueled with Rage),  Concrete Manipulation,  Neon Manipulation, Video Manipulation,  Matter Manipulation (Macro Quantum. Can destroy enemies on a macro-quantum level leaving them as nothing but a cloud of photons, light, and subatomic particles. With Neon, he can destabilize a target's sub-atomic structure to the point of making them explode with one attack using Stasis Fields. Can create physical objects such as motorcycles or swords with Video. Can be used passively with regular attacks), Stasis Field Generation,  Gravity Manipulation (His Stasis Fields can leave his enemies suspended helplessly in mid-air),  Time Manipulation (His Stasis Bubbles freeze his targets in time. And is capable of freezing enemies in time just by hitting them with Neon Bolts),  Explosion Manipulation (Can destabilize matter to the point of making it explode with one attack),  Forcefield Creation (His angels are able to project impenetrable forcefields onto him, repelling most attacks),  Transmutation (Can turn matter such as enemies into energy and absorb it to replenish himself),  Intangibility (Elemental. Many of his powers turn him into cloud of smoke or a trail of light particles, which allows him to phase through attacks without damage or obstructions while traveling),  Biological Manipulation (Can cause Concrete shards to form inside one's body and mutate and fuse to them. Effectively crippling and paralyzing them, and eventually killing them depending on the severity of the shards),  Power Nullification (His Concrete Shards can affect targets in s


Swikong:Power Nullification (His Concrete Shards can affect targets in such a way that it prevents them from using their powers),  Petrification (Can trap people inside an inescapable Concrete shell that will render the victim brittle enough to shatter, with the user being the only one capable of safely releasing them. It can render comparable enemies such as Augustine so brittle they can be shattered by a fall that would normally pose no threat to them),  Mind Manipulation (Fetch is able to control the minds of large groups of enemies by targeting their weak points. Delsin is possibly able to replicate it), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Eugene is able to create pocket realities where he is capable of warping reality inside them. Delsin is possibly able to replicate it), Reality Warping (Inside pocket dimensions), BFR and Sealing (He can banish enemies to his pocket realities, where they cannot normally escape unless he allows it), Portal Creation (Can create portals to his pocket dimensions, most notably through televisions),  Afterimage Creation (Can create holographic afterimages to confuse opponents with Video. Leaves behind afterimages when running via Neon),  Durability Negation,  Homing Attack (With Bloodthirsty Blades),  Attack Reflection,  Speed Amplification and Self-Perception Manipulation with Laser Focus (Slows down his perception of time while he moves and aims in real-time), Telepathy (Can see events from the history & past when absorbing a Conduit's powers), Precognition (Can see future visions of himself using powers he acquires, giving him instant knowledge on how to use them), Reactive Evolution (Conduits gain new powers and abilities by stressing their powers in different ways, or in moments of extreme distress, their bodies will develop new powers to best aid the situation, as shown with Abigail Walker),  Accelerated Development (Training, Battle, All Stats, Abilities) Resistance->Immune to Disease Manipulation/Biological Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Stasis bubbles don't affect Delsin whether the ability is used by Fetch or himself), Extreme Heat (Can easily resist incendiary grenades and smoke/fire attacks from Hank Daughtry. Can swim in a lake of lava created by Eugene for an extended period of time). His evil self likely possesses many more abilities, as he interacted with and absorbed the powers of numerous Conduits at Curdan Cay in the evil ending. Etc/More...

Hope MC achieves SUPER GENIUS : The highest level of intellect, possessed by individuals with unfathomably infinite intelligence, who possess infinite/♾️ & limitless physical, mental & spiritual attributes and capabilities., such as capable of going beyond transcendence & creating impossibly advanced physics-defying and reality-warping ideas, creations, inventions, discoveries, etc., for extremely diverse purposes, etc/more...


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Hey 👋 thanks for the chapter