
Comments of chapter undefined of I'm The Villain? I will Live As I Want


Honestly, I would like a hard working protagonist who EARNED his skills and abilities. Giving him all these abilities and other things without him doing anything that earned those rewards is putting me off from reading with enthusiasm, I just read it not feel or appreciate the book, which really sucked because I do want to, just couldn't. So for me, tone it down with his abilities and skills. Remove the time and Space affinity, you can focus on his Death, Dark, and Storm affinity. The Devil bloodline is ok, but the seven sins? I'd say just remove it, He is already a prodigy with his comprehension of weapons so no need to overdo it. Of course that's my opinion, you can change what you like and keep as things are. Oh and Poisonous Hydra for a pet 100%


Oh. c'mon mannn.. the protagonist can have cheats why not MC


MC needs something that would keep him safe from higher beings ASAP!


Bro instead of lion and snake use world eating serpent or leviathan kraken or you can also use SCP they are more powerful than pet beast


May 15th, oh come on. This long period of absence is killing my hype for this novel. I might have to read this 50.chapters story again. As for the rewriting, it doesn't require any or perhaps it does but that's subtle. Or if you're interested, you are free to do so as it's your right. The story is good as it is now, no need to make any corrections or arrangements. I really love this story but the time gap would make my interest crumble.


The snake could be apofis or nidghogg


can we get a chapter this month


hello Arthur this is one of your follow readers I don't think that you should change the elements from time and space to dimension and reality you don't want to make him overpowered and the beast pet I think he should have will be the fenrir and I think that the sins should remain the same


The sins could be useful depending on their abilities. Each sin could allow him to Have a main that unlocks after all sub skills have been achieved sub skills E.g Sin of Gluttony (Consume a known person's talent skills information status points completely )1 year cooldown subskill partial talent absorbtion Subskill absorb x amount of stats subskill chance to learn a skill or skills of a low grade It just has to fit in as the ability of sins can be overpowered depending on how you make them. If they are just a boost to regeneration and knowledge or a boost to a stat the more he kills then subskills aren't needed.