
Comments of chapter undefined of Lord of the Mysteries - Fate Emperor


I love the idea of both MI9 and Intis just missing each other and trying to get at each other but failing 10/10

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Well the work is beautiful and has a bright future, but I have some suggestions 1 Try to make the hero's progress slower if you can because we don't want to be surprised in 10 or 20 chapters that the hero is in sequence 5 or even in sequence 4. ——————————————— 2 I have a nice way in case if the hero wants to take revenge on the night goddess in future events, which is as follows, the hero can after becoming an angel in sequence 1 or at least in sequence 2 to punish the night goddess by helping the death god Salinger to come back to life through the body of his son like you And that the hero paves the way for him by providing him with a kind of superiority over the gods of the night and the god of fighting Badil, and this superiority is that he is the god of death able to absorb the river of eternal darkness completely or at least 50% of it and then helps the hero the god of death In a subtle way of eliminating the Martial God and then absorbing the power of the Martial God so that the God of Death becomes more powerful, then the hero leaves the God of Death to deal with his old enemy, the Goddess of Death Amanesis.. ————————————————— 3 There is also another way for the hero to make things more difficult for the gods of death, and this method is for the hero to do all the previous things I mentioned in Proposition 2, but add to it that the hero exaggerates the losses that will occur during the war of Fyzac and the Kingdom of Luwin by that It causes most of the losses of the war to end in the Night Church, such as the death of a large number of the believers of the Night Goddess, the death of a large number of members of the Church of the Perpetual Night, and the death or injury of the upper levels of the Church of the Night with very serious injuries that prevent them from doing their work. To the gods of the night, because the matter makes the anchors of faith of the night goddess in a state of weakness and instability, and this matter will play a role in weakening the influence of the permanent night church in front of the church of the mother earth and the church of the god of storms —————————————— 4 If the hero wants to take revenge on the hanged man, I have an excellent suggestion. What do you think of making the hero support one of these three deities (the god of storms - the god of the sun eternal - the god of wisdom and knowledge) and then help him absorb the authority of the Imaginary Path with any other authority so that he is The position of the hanged man is difficult and dangerous, or at least the hero tries to help the god who bet on him in the weakness of the other gods, making it easier for him to bring them down —————————————— 5 Try to make the hero's presence weak We don't want the hero to draw any unnecessary attention from his angels or gods or organizations or churches until he is at least in sequence 4 or at least 3 ——————————— 6 In the upcoming events, the hero must discover what is the secret of the simulator and how he obtained it, or at least the hero must have some guesses and conclusions. ——————————————— 7 We want to see the hero venturing in the Southern Continent and the rest of the North Continent when he becomes in sequence 7 at least. We also want to see the hero venturing or visiting other countries, for example (the Empire of Vizak - Republic of Antis - Kingdom of Finnaputer - and all the kingdoms of the North Continent if you can, oh o author) ————————— 8 A final note don't forget that the hero has a simulator of fate and he has a feather of fate don't forget that these two objects have the ability to cause a lot of inconvenience to all the gods and to revive some of the dead gods like the goddess of death Salinger and like Theodore and to treat the cases of some high-ranking characters Like Mr. Pap (Bethel Abraham) Antigonius and also like the bound god and Emperor Rosell and also don't forget that the Fate Feather can eliminate powerful characters like Amon, Adam and Zartul, it just needs


Good chap


his way is more like the way of a cockroach.


Thanks 👍


I Think there May be an error in this chapter in the starting of the simulation its written that he already has the ingredients for sq 7 briber BUT later in the simulation it states that he uses the quell of fate to increase his chance to get briber ingredients .So if he already had then why did he uses quell of fate to get them again


Thanks for the chapter


thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the Chapter Author.


thanks for the chapter



Thanks for the chapters


Thanks for the chapters.




Thank you for the chapter