
Comments of chapter undefined of The Damned Demon


it's rather annoying. they've literally done enough to be executed twice regardless of position. and yet somehow they keep trying to hide behind the hole they'll be civil war stick. if you literally done this this many times, your life is forfeit. you literally don't have a leg to stand on. there shouldn't have even been terms in her favor at all. it literally should have been a do this now or you can watch your son die.

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Hahaha, was great seeing Oberon crawl through the mud.... He's lucky he still has an arm left with which to crawl! ... And man, the rumor spread by Lysandra about Oberon doing a "favor" to a guard is funny as fk.... Lysandra impressed me with her creativity and humor for that one ... If only Oberon knew when looking up at his mommy what facial expressions she had not long before xD ... It's pretty hot how she is wearing the "thorny" choker around, not gonna lie ... Great chap!


I'm kinda expecting Rebecca and ester to break away at some point and somehow develop feelings for Asher kinda like how isola did but was hastened by the memory swap thing, and ceti is the same from hate to love. The slow breaking of barriers is fun to watch and the constant, "I will kill him" that come up is funny to see since they both are in a situation that neither can win or get out of ever and iIdont know about lysandra since he is starting a relationship on a lie and one that could be his death of ever found out.

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reaction when he finds out the truth


I can wait to see his reac

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Here's a shifty pitty sticker for Oberon

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Thanks for the chapter

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Good chap


gotta be homest, this story is seemingly losing the plot for the "relationships" and despite the fact there is reluctance from the women, it seems like it is going the "three wives are beautiful vampires" route where it gets too crowded, not to mention how some dynamics mirror that story. i really hope we actually get some true schemes instead of "changing the plan" because dude saw chick in bra. defintely feels like the story is rushing through esther and rebecca when it should have just had rebecca give that secret up for oberon instead of esther being not even a pit stop in the story