
Comments of chapter undefined of The Editor Gets A Second Chance


Yo dude you really think that with 30 chapter and with Hollywood fic you can get any money??? 🤣🤣🤣 Fellas like you who only want to write money don't get any money or fame it's that funny🤣🤣


What are you talking about? who are you even talking to?

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Bruh welcome back, hope to see more

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WELCOME BACK! Whilst our unlikely James Harper is still busy with his initial stages of development for his Studios company, beforehand we had Genral POV, of new Hollywood star Sigourney Weaver and hairstylist chatting about the recent GQ magazine with paramour James Harper on cover as Sigourney and hairstylist gossip about the usual antics of course. Erstwhile, James Harper and Fox Studios company collaboration with him on future blockbuster Ghostbusters series (and wanted to bring in old paramour Sigourney Weaver for the role ) but darn it, James won't be directing it this time for and getting his Studios company in order, I'm guessing that Sigourney & James will be chatting about the new movie role and a personal conversation with James after a while away from their hectic schedules with working out with the new director on Ghostbusters set up at the meantime. hmm? We'll see how it goes next time for our resident young James Harper and paramour Sigourney ( at Ghostbusting franchise at the meantime. Editor 's Big Break Catch ya later Cheers!

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glad to see you came back.