
Comments of chapter undefined of MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

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I think more attack power. Therefore elemental infusion, elemental convergence and elemental conclave. Not to neglect defence ethereal vein. Thank you for the chapter

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1. Arcane singularity - a crowd control spell that drags enemies to a certain position is icredibly useful for maximizing damage of targeted spells and the fact it causes damage as well is icing on the cake 2. Elemental infusion - is very versatile considering he is going to learn 4 elemental ways. It’ll be something he can use between both personas and I think he needs an extra melee skill 3. Elemental convergence - also very versatile and basically multiple skills in one. It’s something that will really improve his current fighting style without having to work to be incorporated 4. Sanctuary of serenity - Healing skills are very important and he will probably majorly regret not having an AOE one as a lord who will be going to war. It is even better that it is also a buff. I didn’t choose any of the angakok or shaman skills because he can learn them from the man himself. It doesn’t really matter if I think he will or not, it’s just a waste if he chooses a skill he has the option of learning manually.

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Elemental convergence and infusion becomes incredibly versatile and still gives him the ability to designate elements for max and ravan. Elemental conclave adds to summons he already has making him a one man army. On non combatant side can he teraform a planet later to quickly grow to number one clan to take the throne? He needs a defense move for the 4th vote. As shown in the trial his current move has some weaknesses

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arcane singularity & elemental fusion elemental convergence & elemental conclave

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1. Echoing steel & Elemental infusion. 2. Elemental conclave & Veil of desolation. I think that his army is already strong enough to not need him to choose skills specifically for them and that he need to concentrate on skills that could help him in the long run for his personal growth. Not to mention that Sebastian will be able to have countless undead summons to help his army, so Max only need to focus on himself and think of his future. Echoing steel can help him deal damage even when his opponent is able to block all of his attacks. Elemental infusion, couple with his future training in the ways of the various elements, will help him strike the weaknesses of his opponents. Elemental conclave will help him to distract his enemies, adding powerful allies to his current smmons. Veil of desolation decreases the speed of his opponents and increase the chances of them making mistakes, which he can fully take advantage of, specially with Disperse. Still, I hoped to see the Elite Blast in the skills. Guess it isn't time yet for Rudra's return...

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So, my choices for the normal are as follows... Ethereal Veil - good defensive ability for either you or your allies. Elemental Infusion - can help deal different damage with the help of the 6 elements. fire, water, earth, air, and I forget the other 2. For the special additional abilities I would pick... Elemental Convergence - able to combine spells to potentally deal more damage than one spell alone, similar to Rudra's Elite Blast. Sanctuary of Serenity - it offers healing and boosts/buffs to all allies. IMO, who wouldn't pick this? It makes it easier to keep allies alive while in battle.

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My Votes: Normal Skills: Arcane Singularity- I feel that this skill is perfect for Max as it will allow him to not only deal massive amounts of damage but interrupt other enemies. Elemental Infusion- I also feel that this skill is Perfect for Max. Especially later when he becomes a god and Masters the Laws of the Elements. Also will be very OP when he learns the (Ways of the Elements) Class Specific Skills: Elemental Convergence- This skill is also perfect for Max moving forward he will be able to combine the elements to make many spectacular spells.   Heart of the Storm- This skill will not only deal massive damage but makes Max Immune to Damage and Crowd control effects which could be very useful in the future. Not to mention he may with the Elemental Convergence be able to make the storm even stronger by combining other elements. Like a few others, I feel like he should be able to try and learn some of the other skills from Angakok.

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Echoing steel, arcane singularity Sanctuary of serenity, elemental convergence

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elemental infusion frostbite totem elemental conclave rise of the horde

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arcane singularity elemental infusion elemental convergence heart of the storm

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Arcane singularity, elemental infusion Elemental convergence, rise of the hoard

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Ethereal veil Echoing steel RISE OF THE HORDE Logic behind this. Tbh it's my first vote and I've loved this idea since implemented but tbh. I'm here for max to become the strongest. The 2 passive or whatever we catorgize them as are no Brainers as for the rest. The aura unique skill has the word mortal in it which I don't like. Max will reach tier 7 minimum unless he's better than big bro ( I refuse to accept) and taking control of the GODS of the other side isn't the massive buff my man needs to defeat the current vampire king. Let give him his offical  trump card "rise of the horde"

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ethereal veil and arcane singularly, then elemental conclave.and rise of the hoard, our boy needs to become a top powerhouse

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I love the Sebastián sub plot. as for voting i leave that with the rest of the community. It's more fun seeing how you make max use any skill. god speed author san.

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Echoing Steel Elemental Infusion Elemental Convergence Elemental Convlave I Think that these skills are the best choice. The path of the Celestial is a long one that needs knowledge about all 4 basic Elements. The power of Elemental Convergence two combine two attacks of different elements makes it the perfect tool to support this route. Elemental Infusion and Elemental Conclave are also fundamental skills he will need in his way to becoming the King of Vampires. Echoing Steel is a good addition to this arsenal.

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ethereal veil, elemental infusion. sanctuary of serenity and elemental convergence. our boy needs some defence and heals! Keep up the good work


arcane singularity and echoing steal. rise of the hoard, and that thing that combine 2 attacks.

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Elemental infusion, archane singularity, elemental convergence, elemental conclave thanks for the chapter

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For normal skills: Arcane singularity Frostbite totem Class specific: Rice of the horde and Veil of desolution would be perfect for war

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Ethereal veil, Arcane singularity, elemental infusion, rise of the horde. The first 3 just because I think they're strong, but rise of the horde just to see how it could develop in the story. Raising the dead and being the master of their souls could be interesting dynamic.

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I think the best choices is elemental infusion to give max more attack power and ethereal veil for defense. Then elemental convergence so his attack can gain a wider range of damage types and makes them harder to counter. The last one is rise of the horde because war is getting closer and the thing maxs needs the most is solders that will fight for him no matter what.