
Comments of chapter undefined of Justinian of Austria

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I find it disgusting, illogical and forced for the future king to associate with a Chinese woman. I understand that the author believes that China and the Asian race are superior to everyone, but this story is intended for non-Asian readers. (I personally don't think there are races)


sorry if that's how you see the story so far :( the reason I included the Asian region and states is that if you are given the chance to reincarnate during the 20th century, the Asian region is still largely an untap gold of manpower and resources and is easy to exploit but needed a different approach not the same of the past centuries as it is already at the age of the rise of nationalism in the east. I may sound a bad person, but for future wars of the Austrian Empire, it needed cannon fodders and a lot of it especially if you came from the future and knows how bloody a potential world war can be.

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Just some personal advise author San Don't drop this novel. the premise and plot is good and is rare to find non-Chinese historical fiction novels now a days (which are not filled with hate for Japan) . The grammer is also good and the story is enjoyable. Don't be sad😉 and feel stressed out. you have done a great work for this novel and if you continue it would definitely be as famous as other novels like 'Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince' and 'Tyranny of steel'. Keep up the good work 👍


Don't tell me they're seriously going to be together? It's fine to include Asia and all but marrying an Asian being the future emperor? And more is that time? Is seriously? If that's the case, I've come to this point, I don't really like the illogical things that are put into novels, either for the sake of the plot or for the personal wishes of the author, even if they go against logic or social customs. It was better not to include romance and not damage this novel 🙄

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter