
11 Minutes

We are in front of the backdoor waiting for the carriage.

It was just Joy, Arno, Austin and me.

Joy: Yumei, this is your first time attending so you should try all the stuff

Yumei: what kind of stuff? Food? Clothes?

Arno: The food during the parade is always tasty!

Joy: Just follow me and I will show you everything!

Austin: Can't you at least be more considerate of Yumei since she doesn't know what kind of place is the parade?

Yumei: thought "the parade" was a parade. I thought it was the reason why we are riding this carriage!

Austin: well, "the parade" is what people from your world call festival. You can find very similar shops from your world but the thing is that you should pay with blue coins!

Yumei: Blue money?

Austin: it is a type of money you get after solving a problem or the question asked on the spot.

For exemple, you can be asked at the entrance;

What is your name and surname? Or what house are you from? Or ...

Joy: It is like a quiz!

Arno: and with that money we can buy the blackberry roulette!

Yumei: a cake!

Austin: In your world it is a cake but in ours it is a type of game where you can bet and get a prize.

Yumei: are you guys allowed to gamble at your age?

Austin: Gambling is a very dangerous word in your world but here it is just a mere game.

Joy: How can you know that much about her world, Austin?

Arno: He is a genius!

Yumei: Actually, I am also curious. How do you know much about my world?

Joy: Answer us, Austin! Anyway, the parade is in front of us!

Yumei: I want to know...

No one listened and I never got an answer to my question before this parade.

It was just as Austin said: we got asked about our names and where we come from.

We passed the gate and they headed to the first shop.

I just followed them quietly.

In each shop we were asked different questions;

How much we make in a year if we make 1 million per month?

How we get to the next city if we can't drive or cook?

What is the key ingredient in a fish soup?

The questions seemed pretty easy.

Until we moved to the second part of the parade, the questions were more difficult;

How long have you been in the Parade? 20 minutes? 26? 31?

Will it be possible to finish the parade in less than two hours?

How long did it take us (the ones who asked the questions)to prepare for the parade?

And more and more...the questions turned to be more difficult and difficult.

In the end, we decided to take a break before the third and final part of the parade which was the gambling game.

We were able to get here thanks to Austin who seemed to be a genius when in comes to quizzes.

But it was weird, as if he knew the questions and prepared specially for them. But how can it be possible?

Austin and the rest of us got asked the same questions but Austin replied immediately, it was quite strange especially when we got asked how much time we spent answering the second question in the first part of the parade! We were in the fourth one in the second part, how can he answer 11 minutes without a doubt?

11 minutes? How strange...Why does it ring a bell?