
Comments of chapter undefined of Sage of Shadows

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Thank you for the chapter. I have to say the half-elf is annoying. I hope she is not the love interest. I can't fine any good quality to her she is rash and makes stupid decisions after stupid decision. As for the main character it would be smart if you made her plan things out more. I mean for example she could take over the poorest district of this place and make a cult. I mean she can slowly raise orphan children to be necromancers. She could have a lot of back up contractor if the half elf ever dies and she will not be force to relay on one stupid implosive girl to keep her in the living world.

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Thx for the Chapter. I love that Sage and Kaylee get some bonding time together. I like their interactions so far and am curious to see how their relationship develops, esspecially considering Sage‘s past.

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Thanks for the chapter Author-san~<3 P.S. Some bonding experiences XD

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Thx for the chapter