
Comments of chapter undefined of Mated to the Warrior Beast


I disagree about El feeling like she didn't take full responsibility. I also didn't like that they left the giant elephant in the room and didn't address him going behind her back and putting both himself and the kingdom at risk. It may have been well intentioned, but was very poorly thought out. I know that despite being a little prudish with nudity that El is very sexual and I also realize that they agreed to never let outside circumstances get in the way of the relationship. But still, I wouldn't be able to be angry and intimate at the same time. I would have to get things off my chest first, but again... that's me.

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She's definitely changing. Step lightly El and trust, you will get through this.


Aaryn made the choice of a mate. One that any true mate would probably make. Elreth got a small taste of what Sasha had to go through and witness. Zev wouldn't hurt a baby or child especially after almost losing his own child. It may take time to earn Zev's trust, but I think it maybe possible. I hope they can get through all this.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


How does Elreth and Aaryn move forward in this cluster. Sasha Coke have easily taunted El when Aaryn was caged - b/c she knew what it felt like to have your mate cage and close to the brink of death But Sasha held her Grace and authorit y


Okay, I will forgive you for leaving me panting after the last chapter. I didn't know there was another one. As soon as I check in every day, I always give you all of my votes. I hit the next chapter button out of habit and this chapter appeared. I get why El is angry with Aaryn. I don't think he failed his people OR her. He did it out of love. Most males would probably do the same thing if they were in his shoes. Do they even wear shoes? I've never thought about that until now. I always love reading the hot scenes with these two đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


When in such a crisis, it is natural to want to protect your own. Perhaps when it was only the two of them Aaryn could do it, but now there’s the baby. Perhaps that was the force behind his actions


I haven't commented for a while as I've been to engrossed in this story ,and, I have had so much more pain recently ..I have said before that I'm bedridden and in constant pain ...But Aimee as much as I love your books ( .


We all make mistakes. We lo learn From it and move on. Hope to our best