
Comments of chapter undefined of Mated to the Warrior Beast


I’m very disappointed in El.

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*sigh* these last few chapters elreth is just breaking my heart. She's so ruled by fear and past experiences that she isn't listening. Sasha, Zev and Harth are already terrified of the hostile greeting, and now she's locked them all away. she separated a family out of fear for a child that wasn't hers. she separated to mates who just want to complete the bond and get to know each other, and she's only asking what ifs. She's pretty convinced they can't be trusted but she hasn't given them any reason to trust her! Lock Tarkyn up with Harth so they can spend some time together. send a small patrol to observe the chimera and let everyone take a breather. All this aggression and suspicion isn't good for anyone. Elreth is much better than this, but right now she isn't listening to those she most trusts . it makes me sad

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She’s gonna spazz when she meet Lars & Kyelle

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Wow el is just too stressed.

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Gosh I REALLY don’t think he needs help figuring this out. None of the rest of them did. And how hurtful to him to have his joy and relief and connection analyzed and questioned in such a way. As if he could or would walk away from her. I totally get their caution - but I’m not sure they are going about this the right way.

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this is heartbreaking. I understand why Elreth is choosing this path but I think her taking such a hard judgment on this is going to bite her in the butt! Poor Tarkyn his whole life is Anima, how can she put his loyalty under so much scrutiny! oh my heart!

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Wow. Tarkyn is amazing!

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I feel so sorry for Tarkyn he’s found his mate he’s so torn it hurt him that El,would question his loyalty to her.He will be loyal to the Queen & King. But he has a mate now and the harshness in El is tearing him apart. I do understand El,with be cautious with what happened with the humans the loss of her parents,but I believe she needs to calm down some and give Tarkyn some compassion with the position he’s in.😢💔

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Now that I thought about this chapter for a while, I have something else to say. El has no right to even ask Tarkyn to consider waiting to complete his bond with Harth. She was gonna complete the bond immediately but her dad came through the door because they didn't bar it. We still joke about that to this day 😂 She and Aaryn decided to wait because they didn't know how the people would accept a disformed as her mate as Queen. THEY decided to wait. Nobody asked her to. Again, show Tark some respect. He's not a young male that only wants to be with a female. SHE'S HIS MATE! They both know it and I hope that he doesn't wait to complete the bond.

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What would Jayah know about either bond? She doesn't have a mate, does she? The Anima bond and the Chimera bond are very different. I think El needs to show Tarkyn some respect and I think she's starting to. Harth has not shown any kind of hostility. Zev only did to protect his mate and baby. Something any one of them would do. They are not aggressive but they are defensive.

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Difficult decisions and emotions running high are a dangerous combination. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes that’s for sure.

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I understand El's concerns, but Harth hasn't shown any aggressive behavior. In fact, she has only shown that she is afraid of humans and of these people that are acting hostile towards her and her people, especially her alphas. I don't understand why El is questioning Tarkyn's loyalty. I am still wondering what provoked Zev to go off like a rocket and attack three of the Anima. Did Aaryn and El try to separate Zev from Sasha because she is human? Or was Zev still in fight mode after fighting to get his son back? There are so many possibilities, I am totally looking forward to reading the side story and finding out!

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

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See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair

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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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They say that he that finds a wife ,finds a good thing and two shall join and become one ,how can this take place when the queen is trying to separate them ,giving condition to a full grown man on how to manage his home ,it's not fair at all

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola