
Comments of chapter undefined of For Our Happier Path

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No, never because i will not be able to forgive the who wronged and close relation to them.

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Maybe after he became an adult, after some time had passed. After all, we always say that we shouldn't blame the child for the mistakes of the parents. But it's hard to say, only when it happens to us can we know. I think that in Heisuke's case he needs to leave the past behind. He still gets very emotional about everything that happened. I think now that he's freed from his father's debts and can dream of flying, that will get easier. Before he was still trapped by the past.

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That wasn’t a small misunderstanding. It was a major life change that led to multiple trauma that still has him suffering post traumatic stress. Thank goodness he has crocheting 🧶 or the poor guy could have been emotionally disabled. They should not stay friends and there is nothing that can wipe that clear.


May be. but if we consider previous life . his family again deceived heisuke. st that time he didn't did anything