
Comments of chapter undefined of When I woke up, I was in an Eroge World!

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Well I hope your IRL stuff goes well and that you can come back to us invigorated and that we can get more of this story cuz I am enjoying it. While your on hiatus if you think of stuff for the story you should put it in a notepad so you don’t forget it😎😜

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Cretor throught readed For ptreon i dont think that much ppl use it bcs i additional step to get to pay you so its less convinient As for your irl stuff all i can say is i wish you luck And give it your best shot so you dont have any regrets later No matter the outcome And take your time with writing i will be waiting for tour comeback

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If I may say the author, I really appreciate your work, but I am uncomfortable with how this chapter ended, in my opinion it is not right for the protagonist to simply go on an adventure and leave the family worried and devastated by his kidnapping, without less clarify that it is fine. I know it's a tricky situation because he can't show himself to any guards or he would be forced to go back home and he needs this adventure and in any other way he wouldn't be allowed so I thought of a possible solution, he can leave a letter with this adventurer, for her to give to one of the guards and he to give his family, explaining that an adventurer saved him from kidnapping and in the process he realized that he needed to get stronger, so he would go on an adventure with that adventurer (even though he was lie, because he is alone in the adventure), so he would at least minimally reduce the severity of the situation for the family and it would be better if in the letter, in addition to the handwriting, he also left some "sign" that the family would recognize as being something that only he could know, and it would also be good for him to say the length of time he would be away Thank you if you are reading this, I would be very grateful if my idea would help with the story, I look forward to an answer and for more release of this wonderful work

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good luck

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yo! that is good but keep that writing spirit on, i also started a book and created some of its world background but one day i stopped writing and since then its still in draft. GOOD LUCK

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just remember the more you go withaut writing anything the smaller your desire to continue this novel becames

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Are you going for an MD in Procrastination? If so, I think you will ace all of the classes. 😂 (Sorry, I felt this was necessary. Thank you for letting us know you are fine!)


Good luck! can't wait for more chapters.


thanks for the chapter


F oist🤙