
Comments of chapter undefined of Falling for his Prisoner

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So Rafael also has some past. I see

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This is so interesting, I love the way the story is going. Not surprised she turned down the offer.

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It's getting interesting with every passing chapter. I must say I'm starting attaching to the character long ago but now I'm enjoying them.....

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hahahaha I feel sorry for Mr. Villain šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ he has been nervous for long yet she turned the offer down šŸ¤£ I really hope Audrey would agree tho šŸ™ˆ Thanks for the shout-out! And I'm happy to see an update today šŸŒž your storyline turns more interesting. I am so intrigued to know the father's of Audrey's child who offered his seeds for the artificial insemination

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Wait, do you mean that Frederick is in deep turmoil or Audrey is? Plus where did Audrey go? I was half expecting her to know who Rafael was, to be honest...


Frederick is in deep turmoil as he recollected memories from the photo. And where Audrey went, she was left behind by Frederick šŸ¤­ BUT it will be addressed later on in 2-3 chapters from here. As for why Rafael has not met Audrey, there'll be subtle hints here and there about why Frederick is not allowing it but the real reason would be revealed much later in Chapter 41 šŸ¤­šŸ¤­