
Comments of chapter undefined of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Hot and Cold


I'm eagerly waiting Book 2. I loved this story and the characters, but I was not ready for that ending. I'm glad it will continue. Any idea when Book 2 will be released?


the end is wrong on so many grounds she can make her dreams come true even while having a family even if it's a bit difficult she went on a tour which may last for some months, she can be back with her family after that, can't she? next, in the letter she said that she loves them but as days go by her husband will end up living in guilt of how because of him his kids are left motherless. afterall they have already fought because of her dream, even though they have forgiven but in long run he will blame himself for her leaving them 4


I'm so sorry but it had to end like this. Sometimes, our mind can go astray even though we love someone. That goes for Jessie. She wanted to earn her own money and not depend on her husband. If you go back to chapter one or two, you will hear what Taylor said. Jessie had to break things up with Marco because of this same dream. Someone with childhood trauma like Jessie will always doubt if love is enough because of what her childhood was like. But there will be book2. Thank you for reading my book.


oh!.. i hate this ending...😔


The ending is frustrating 😡


I hate this ending I am glad I skipped to the end


This is the end?! I hate this ending, so stupid. 🤬