
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound Heart


Please,there has to be some other solution to this…she needs you and you need her, Sebastian. It’s your love for each other that makes you both strong. You will end up hurting her more than you know if you leave her…🥹


Oh Seb 💔💔💔💔 There has to be a way. I’m not even sure Elle will be safe out there on her own even without being married or near Sebastian. Elijah will know he can still use her. Sebastian needs to think more clearly. 💔


Must it really end this way,Sebby?🥺😭💔 The only way to protect Elle is having her beside you. She is your light as you are her protection!These go hand in hand! There must be a way to fight off these trials ,giving up on her is not the answer! Let your love for each other prevail. That's how you stop Elijah! Please,Sebby!🙏🙏 This will be so hard for Elle!💔💔 thankies for the chapters💕 vote vote vote Hellbounders😎 Golden ticket boost is up to the 3rd of January, so cast them for Hellbound Heart,whenever you have them.Thankies🥰


As much as I expected that this would happen and he'd never forgive himself seeing it play out of heartbreaking. Iza has an uphill battle and the only thing I know for sure is she loves him and won't let him go willingly...no matter what she said in the beginning. Hopefully she'll ask Abi for advice and use her game plan to get her man back

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See this! I just gifted the story: Luxury car

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Which is worse? Your husband disappeared and lost memory like Abby OR someone just divorcing you for sake of saving your life? OMG both are horrible!! But I think divorcing is not going to solve anything. Infact it'll put Elle in danger since Elijah would again take advantage to see if Sebastian's reaction. Then mind as well just stick together until the end and fight together!!! I think the only way is to make Elijah realize that what he seek is not going to make him feel better. It's just for a momentarily better, then you realize empty without purpose. I think Zeke, you're the only one to win this mind battle.... Please come back now!🙏


I understand how he feels. But also by you distancing yourself Seb is not going to do either of you any good. She is completly exposed to dangers still but now without you to protect her. Elijah, Kana, Brandon Hayes all could end up hurting her some how. I just hope Elle is strong enough mentally and physically to deal with all these blows coming her way. Ugh my insides ache for both of them.


My heart hurts. I really don’t think she would be safe by divorcing her because she already had a target on her back


I hate when someone does what they think is best for me without my input, smh. They could have faked seperating or something for Elijah’s benefit until they neutralized Elijah. Elle is going to be devastated.


aww Seb 🥺💔 I'm sure Elle is not going to let you do "what you want." I can't wait to see what she's going to do to show you how much she loves you 💘 "you deserve all the love"

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See this! I just gifted the story: Luxury car

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This will be the beginning to the end for both of them.


This is breaking my heart but doesn’ elle have some sort of power? I hope we find out really soon. These two cannot get a divorce it would be really bad. Sebastian is not thinking clearly. She will be worse off without him as she has people that want her already. Love conquers all so she better rip up thos papers and give him a piece of her mind and knock some sense into him. It doesn’ work one way Sebastian.


Sebastian thinks the only way to safeguard Izabelle is to show the world he no longer wants to keep her close. That doesn’t mean really he stops loving her nor makes him wanting to protect her less. Putting the distance between them only makes it harder for him to protect Izabelle in the end. Love will always find away.


I really think Sebastian, Alex, Abi, Alicia, Zeres ect. should get together & come up with a well thought out plan instead of a plan put together by Sebastian who has been drinking for days like a fish out of water & desperate to save Elle’s life that Sebastian is not thinking his plan all the way through that even if Sebastian divorces Elle it really wouldn’t change anything by protecting Elle from any iharm 🥺😢


Seb don’t walk away from your sweet Elle. You need her and she need you.


No Sebby!!! Do not let him win