
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound Heart


“Nope, that ’s not happening, Sebastian!” - Izza 🤣🤣🤣


This is what I would do to Sebastian if he tried to leave😆🤣😂😅


So, if the law says they can’t drink from humans, does that include your spouse? On the other hand, we keep getting subtle hints that there is more to Elle. I know I’m still hung up on Little Betty, but I can’t help but think this goes back to Zeke when he saved her life. Combined with Abby’s reaction at the wedding reception and a few comments…I just think we are going to learn something exciting. I think Elle is going to offer herself, but has she recovered enough? What about Kana? Isn’t it possible that Elijah could get to her? She could be his spy, or something worse… I am so happy Sebastian is being so open and honest with Elle. We are learning more and more about Sebastian. I hope we soon learn more about Elle, from her childhood up to meeting Sebastian. I feel she has quite a story to tell! ♥️♥️♥️ Thanks for the great chapter, Kazz! ♥️♥️♥️


Nope, Iza’s not having it😊. Kana can go home 😅


She is not ok with it 😃


Oh oh oh but will sebastian do it 😱 will he drink from her?????? If he says no this is going to cause a huge misunderstanding and it will hurt Iza…… Sebastian be very very careful what you do and say next


She can’t let him go to her. Elle already has enough demons in her mind; she DOES NOT need this Kana in there too.


Omg is he going to drink from her??? I feel as though he will try not to for as long as he can out of fear he might hurt her or drink too much??? Have faith in your wife Sebby and don’t make her feel like she’s not worthy!!! Thanks for the chapter!!! Keep voting fellow hellbounders 💜💜💜


Wifey first Sebby! Nevermind Lady Kana! I hope Sebby senses or realizes that him being with other women is a sensitive issue to Elle, or take it as her being possessive! He would like that reasoning I'm sure 😉 As for him not having a proper meal for days, won't Elle do? Since she is his wife after all. Or he didn't want her to be exhausted and drained out of that hunger? or was he thinking she's not ready (yet)? thankies for the chapter 😊💕


Stop him Ellie. You are his wife now. Feed him


Oh good grief....did it have to end there....???? Lololol....the suspense !!


So I was wondering if this Kana girl is the same woman Elle saw entering a restaurant or hotel whith Sebby when she arrived at Viscarria🧐 I'm really proud of them both in this communication but Sebby how can you be soooo DENSE not to realise that you will hurt your baby girl again if you still drink from another woman😬😓 And clap clap clap 👏👏👏 for Iza cause she no longer stay still and cry alone, she is trying to stop her man and make him know she is sooo not OK with that 🤩❣💯💯💯


Elle stop Sebby right away and let him drink from you! Sebby you know better not to cause another misunderstanding here


Let's not forget that Elle could not even wear another man's raincoat without upsetting Sebastian. Yet he talks so nonchalantly about putting his mouth on another woman's neck and drinking from her.


Yeah Elle don't let him go! Make him compromise or drink from you somehow!! I think to Sebastian it's a meal like we have our own but I guess it's from another female then it's another story!! okay, Sebastian, I hope you're drinking from the Kana's wrist, not her neck because that's too intimate!! But I'm glad it's not Alisa. I guess we will find out Alisa in his sleep later, hopefully soon... BUT BUT I wanted more more sweet moments together!! I don't mind the cringe!! I don't mind if turns 🔥 either but would like it with no interruptions please!! or until Elle is completely healed mentally 🙏


See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


He doesn’t even like when men look at her how would he feel if the tables were turned? She should nibble and lick her body guards neck once every few weeks if he’s going to drink from another woman. See how Seb likes it. Does he only drink from Kana or does he sleep with her afterwards as well? Vampires become very aroused while drinking blood. If he walks away now thinking this is ok then Elle should go and get herself another man on the side. So tired of Sebastian’s double standards and miscommunications. Just when he is finally doing good then he flips it back to bad.


See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


See this! I just gifted the story: Dragon